EddyVerbruggen / cordova-plugin-taptic-engine

:vibration_mode: Use Apple's Taptic Engine to vibrate your iPhone 6s (or up) in a variety of ways
MIT License
62 stars 12 forks source link

Plugin 'TapticEngine' not found or is not a CDVPlugin #5

Closed brittonk closed 3 years ago

brittonk commented 5 years ago

Plugin is returning not found error and not working.

Building with Xcode Version 10.1

The plugin .m and .h files are found in the plugin folder within the build and the entry is being made in config.xml so not sure why it is erroring as not found. Any ideas?

brittonk commented 5 years ago

If anyone else encounters this after adding the plugin and building...

I got it to work just by dragging the .m and .h file from the ios>plugins>cordova-plugin-taptic-engine folder into xcode's plugins folder. Now it builds and deploys correctly. I've never had to do that with any other plugin.

willmero commented 5 years ago

I also had this issue, and resolved by following your suggestion above @brittonk ! Thanks!

alekseykarpenko commented 4 years ago

If anyone like me will fault with tryings to make this plugin work with Ionic4 & Capacitor:


For Ionic4 there is a native Capacitor alternative: https://capacitor.ionicframework.com/docs/apis/haptics