I'm getting this error when ever I attempt to preload an insterstitial on android. Works fine on IOS. I'm attempting to preload when the app is ready and also on a button tap.
testing: true,
iosInterstitialId: "ca-app-pub-7029876000000000/0000000000",
androidInterstitialId: "ca-app-pub-7029876000000000/0000000000",
keywords: ["courier"],
onAdClosed: function () { console.log("-interstitial closed-") }
this.adLoaded = true;
console.log("-interstitial preloaded - you can now call 'showInterstitial' whenever you're ready to do so-");
console.log("admob preloadInterstitial error: " + error);
I'm getting this error when ever I attempt to preload an insterstitial on android. Works fine on IOS. I'm attempting to preload when the app is ready and also on a button tap.
using nativescript 6.5.0