Problem compiling the nativescript-feedbaack plugin in nativescript 8+ version
To solve the problem, simply change the nativescript-feedback plugin's include.gradle file to:
repositories {
maven { url "" } //include this part
dependencies {
def supportVer = "27.0.1"
if (project.hasProperty("supportVersion")) {
supportVer = supportVersion
implementation "$supportVer"
implementation "com.github.tapadoo:Alerter:7.2.4" //include this part
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.3.72"
With this change, I correctly added the JitPack repository and updated the Alerter dependency version to 7.2.4. Now Gradle can fetch this library version and build the project correctly.
Problema ao compilar o plugin nativescript-feedbaack na versão nativescript 8+
Para sanar o problema basta alterar o arquivo include.gradle do plugin nativescript-feedback para:
repositories {
maven { url "" } //incluir essa parte
dependencies {
def supportVer = "27.0.1"
if (project.hasProperty("supportVersion")) {
supportVer = supportVersion
implementation "$supportVer"
implementation "com.github.tapadoo:Alerter:7.2.4" //incluir essa parte
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.3.72"
Com essa alteração, adcionei corretamente o repositório JitPack e atualizei a versão da dependência Alerter para 7.2.4. Agora o Gradle pode buscar essa versão da biblioteca e compilar o projeto corretamente.
Problem compiling the nativescript-feedbaack plugin in nativescript 8+ version
To solve the problem, simply change the nativescript-feedback plugin's include.gradle file to:
repositories { jcenter() mavenCentral() maven { url "" } //include this part }
dependencies { def supportVer = "27.0.1" if (project.hasProperty("supportVersion")) { supportVer = supportVersion } implementation "$supportVer" implementation "com.github.tapadoo:Alerter:7.2.4" //include this part implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.3.72" }
With this change, I correctly added the JitPack repository and updated the Alerter dependency version to 7.2.4. Now Gradle can fetch this library version and build the project correctly.
//IN PORTUGUESE Problema ao compilar o plugin nativescript-feedbaack na versão nativescript 8+
Para sanar o problema basta alterar o arquivo include.gradle do plugin nativescript-feedback para:
repositories { jcenter() mavenCentral() maven { url "" } //incluir essa parte }
dependencies { def supportVer = "27.0.1" if (project.hasProperty("supportVersion")) { supportVer = supportVersion } implementation "$supportVer" implementation "com.github.tapadoo:Alerter:7.2.4" //incluir essa parte implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.3.72" }
Com essa alteração, adcionei corretamente o repositório JitPack e atualizei a versão da dependência Alerter para 7.2.4. Agora o Gradle pode buscar essa versão da biblioteca e compilar o projeto corretamente.