Hi, I'm new to this plugin and to NativeScript in general so maybe I did something stupid simple wrong, however, I am figuring this out for a while now and have absolutely no idea how to make it work.
Errors from the console:
-[LAContext initWithExternalizedContext:] 0 on <private>
-[LAContext canEvaluatePolicy:error:]_block_invoke 1 on <private>
-[LAClient evaluatePolicy:options:uiDelegate:reply:] 1, {
1000 = 1;
}, (null) on <private>
-[LAClient evaluatePolicy:options:uiDelegate:reply:]_block_invoke -> (null), Error Domain=com.apple.LocalAuthentication Code=-1004 "User interaction is required." UserInfo={FingerDatabaseHash=<74e03e0a 6f5c9e7c 1c949556 744571fc e0d72afd 35d5a0d5 14b6bf1b bf4fc2a1>, BiometryType=2, AvailableMechanisms=(
), NSLocalizedDescription=User interaction is required.} on <private>
-[LAContext canEvaluatePolicy:error:]_block_invoke -> YES on <private>
Retrieving resting unlock: 0
CONSOLE LOG file:///app/app.js:19014:18: 'Biometric ID available? true'
CONSOLE LOG file:///app/app.js:19015:18: 'Touch? false'
CONSOLE LOG file:///app/app.js:19016:18: 'Face? true'
LAEvaluateAndUpdateACL(<private>, , (null))
LAEvaluateAndUpdateACL -> 1, (null)
CONSOLE LOG file:///app/app.js:19159:28: 'Error in fingerprint-auth.verifyFingerprint: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating \134'options.message\134')'
CONSOLE LOG file:///app/app.js:19027:22: 'Biometric ID NOT OK: {"line":19149,"column":66,"sourceURL":"file:///app/app.js"}'
-[LAContext dealloc] on <private>
Hi, I'm new to this plugin and to NativeScript in general so maybe I did something stupid simple wrong, however, I am figuring this out for a while now and have absolutely no idea how to make it work.
Errors from the console: