Open NickAtGit opened 6 years ago
I know, I'm waiting for this PR to be merged:
In the meanwhile, I just hack the typings file in the node_modules folder according to that PR.
Ok, thanks. Can you tell me how to fix it for now?
I kinda did. Look at the PR and change that in node_modules. Then remove the platforms folder and build.
Hi Eddy, I'll get this when I build iOS and Android:
app/feedback/helpers/cfalertdialog-helper.ts(54,11): error TS2322: Type '{ dialogStyle: CFAlertStyle.BOTTOM_SHEET; title: string; message: string; buttons: [{ text: strin...' is not assignable to type 'DialogOptions'. Types of property 'buttons' are incompatible. Type '[{ text: string; buttonStyle: CFAlertActionStyle.POSITIVE; buttonAlignment: CFAlertActionAlignmen...' is not assignable to type '[{ text: string; buttonStyle: CFAlertActionStyle; buttonAlignment?: CFAlertActionAlignment; textC...'. Types of property 'length' are incompatible. Type '2' is not assignable to type '1'.