Edelweiss / hgv

Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens
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Add metadata for P.Messeri and P.Berl.Monte #123

Open jcowey opened 3 years ago

jcowey commented 3 years ago

Add P.Messeri (p.messeri;;) metadata to http://aquila.zaw.uni-heidelberg.de/ and https://github.com/papyri/idp.data/tree/master/HGV_meta_EpiDoc

Add P.Berl.Monte (p.berl.monte;;) metadata to http://aquila.zaw.uni-heidelberg.de/ and https://github.com/papyri/idp.data/tree/master/HGV_meta_EpiDoc

jcowey commented 3 years ago

P.Berl.Monte: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UVpUO2_9Cwke9So0s7Vg-U1_y_Dpp34Afca7Q2DwIxs/edit#gid=104906530

P.Messeri: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11LZrnxLhsSfRmHaN345n1ienZbeDdalmjMACTTOkLgw/edit#gid=1976436271

jcowey commented 3 years ago

You will find pBerlMonteMesseriTransfer.fmp12 in ../Admin/hgv/pBerlMonteMesseri

Please xwalk this to papyri.info master with usual pull request and HGV aqila with all the necessary bits and pieces.

Modified and new files. There are records with Mehrfachkennungen.

Edelweiss commented 3 years ago


Edelweiss commented 3 years ago

Alles erledigt außer

CPJ IV 555 = P.Messeri 26

jcowey commented 3 years ago

CPJ IV 555 ought to live a file C.Pap.Jud._IV.html in: https://github.com/Edelweiss/hgv.texte/tree/master/C.Pap.Jud.

That will require lists, which we do not have yet.

Edelweiss commented 3 years ago


jcowey commented 2 years ago

All fine in http://aquila.zaw.uni-heidelberg.de/