Edelweiss / hgv

Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens
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Tidying up break="no" in "wrong" lines #156

Open jcowey opened 1 year ago

jcowey commented 1 year ago

Sometimes <lb n="\d+" break="no"/> is included in <orig> tags (where there is no matching <lb n="\d+" break="no"/> in the relevant <reg> tag) where \d+ is not equal to the \d+ of the relevant tag.

jcowey commented 1 year ago

This following commit illustrates the change clearly:


<lb n="9"/><num value="5">ε</num> οὐκ <choice><reg>εἰλήφασι</reg><orig>ἰ<lb n="7" break="no"/>λήφασι</orig></choice>

<lb n="9"/><num value="5">ε</num> οὐκ <choice><reg>εἰλήφασι</reg><orig>ἰλήφασι</orig></choice>