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Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens
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Import P.Flor. and PUG Image Links #158

Closed samosafuz closed 1 year ago

samosafuz commented 1 year ago

I've worked up a spreadsheet with ca. 550 image links for P.Flor. and PUG texts, and would ask that you undertake to import them into HGV and DCLP.

Two additional notes on this request:

  1. Some of the files (in HGV, especially) will already have had the link added manually. Avoiding duplication is important.
  2. Several TM numbers appear twice in column A (I have highlighted them with conditional formatting) because there are multiple entries in the PSI online database for them. A good example is TM 14242, which points both to P.Flor. 2.165 and P.Flor. 2.264. Although it looks as though the image and metadata in both instances is the same, I nonetheless recommend that we add both hyperlinks.
jcowey commented 1 year ago


Should have fixed this. Waiting to close once sync has chewed through the files.

jcowey commented 1 year ago

This now looks good.