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MPER #198

Closed jcowey closed 6 months ago

jcowey commented 8 months ago

We have MPER I-VI and MPER N.S. I-XXXIII and ongoing.

At https://github.com/papyri/idp.data/blob/master/RDF/collection.rdf#L1236-L1238 we have:

<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://papyri.info/ddbdp/mper.xiii">
    <dcterms:identifier rdf:resource="Perseus:text:1999.05.0298"/>
    <dcterms:bibliographicCitation>MPER XIII</dcterms:bibliographicCitation>

How often is this used? Search for <idno type="ddb-hybrid">mper across HGV_meta_XML and DCLP.

The RDF only seems to apply to one file in HGV_meta_XML (there is an accompanying ddbdp file waiting to be voted through on the DDbDP board): https://github.com/papyri/idp.data/blob/master/HGV_meta_EpiDoc/HGV108/107414.xml#L10-L14

<idno type="filename">107414</idno>
<idno type="TM">107414</idno>
<idno type="ddb-perseus-style">0298;;6</idno>
<idno type="ddb-filename">mper.xiii.6</idno>
<idno type="ddb-hybrid">mper.xiii;;6</idno>

Across DCLP files we have 228 instances in 228 files of <idno type="dclp-hybrid">mpern.s;3;16</idno> like dclp-hybrid and one instance in one file of <idno type="dclp-hybrid">mper;29;59</idno> (alongside what is "should" be: <idno type="dclp-hybrid">mpern.s;29;27</idno>)

In DCLP files we should have <idno type="dclp-hybrid">mper.ns;3;16</idno>

samosafuz commented 8 months ago

DCLP has been wrangled. It remains to update rdf with mper.ns; I believe we agreed that mper.xiii should persist and not be nested within a larger mper series.

samosafuz commented 6 months ago

But I see now that RDF has been updated to include mper (sc. to accommodate 987677): see a389d80. Should we nest the other entries (e.g. mper.xiii), then?

samosafuz commented 6 months ago

107414 has <idno type="ddb-hybrid">mper.xiii;;6</idno> and <idno type="ddb-filename">mper.xiii.6</idno>. These idnos are wrong: they should be mper.ns;13;6. There is no corresponding DDB file.

All other instances of MPER are in DCLP, and I’ve already wrangled them in #382.

So, I see the following two steps as necessary:

  1. Correct the idnos in 107414 to mper.ns;13;6
  2. Delete mper.xiii from the RDF, since there are no other files that require it, and since we have both mper and mper.ns in RDF.
jcowey commented 6 months ago


should now be clean with https://github.com/papyri/idp.data/commit/162eaac2ef8caa4d03b7d8ce07c1e027a5ffef8b


should now be clean with https://github.com/papyri/idp.data/commit/3bc4d627e5be8a70158f90901537eb57d29bda2b