Edelweiss / hgv

Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens
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BL 12 entry from Spreadsheet #71

Closed jcowey closed 5 years ago

jcowey commented 5 years ago

I have done as much as I can to get things in order. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EWK_SVCEov1aCbt8EVpKlY8i0r17KAPLrlnGgYXVg2A/edit#gid=0

Marked in orange in the edition sort column are 3 or 4 volumes for which we do not have a relevant entry and number. Would you please create them as appropriate.

I also did not fill up all the blanks in text and edition sort

jcowey commented 5 years ago

Please go ahead and import all of the remaining sheets (marked with light purple colour)

Edelweiss commented 5 years ago

Wir brauchen neue Editonen für Chartae Latinae 41 und 45

Chartae Latinae   Sort  
Chartae Latinae 30   234000  
Chartae Latinae 31   234077 77
Chartae Latinae 32   234154 77
Chartae Latinae 33   234231 77
Chartae Latinae 34   234308 77
Chartae Latinae 35   234385 77
Chartae Latinae 36   234462 77
Chartae Latinae 37   234539 77
Chartae Latinae 38   234616 77
Chartae Latinae 39   234693 77
Chartae Latinae 40   234770 77
Chartae Latinae 41   234847 77
Chartae Latinae 42   234924 77
Chartae Latinae 43   235000 76
Chartae Latinae 44   235250 250
Chartae Latinae 45   235500 250
Chartae Latinae 46   235750 250
Chartae Latinae 47   236000 250
INSERT INTO `edition`
  (`id`, `sort`, `title`, `material`, `collection`, `volume`, `remark`) 
  (NULL, '234077', 'Chartae Latinae 31', 'Papyrus', 'Chartae Latinae', '31', NULL),
  (NULL, '234154', 'Chartae Latinae 32', 'Papyrus', 'Chartae Latinae', '32', NULL),
  (NULL, '234231', 'Chartae Latinae 33', 'Papyrus', 'Chartae Latinae', '33', NULL),
  (NULL, '234308', 'Chartae Latinae 34', 'Papyrus', 'Chartae Latinae', '34', NULL),
  (NULL, '234385', 'Chartae Latinae 35', 'Papyrus', 'Chartae Latinae', '35', NULL),
  (NULL, '234462', 'Chartae Latinae 36', 'Papyrus', 'Chartae Latinae', '36', NULL),
  (NULL, '234539', 'Chartae Latinae 37', 'Papyrus', 'Chartae Latinae', '37', NULL),
  (NULL, '234616', 'Chartae Latinae 38', 'Papyrus', 'Chartae Latinae', '38', NULL),
  (NULL, '234693', 'Chartae Latinae 39', 'Papyrus', 'Chartae Latinae', '39', NULL),
  (NULL, '234770', 'Chartae Latinae 40', 'Papyrus', 'Chartae Latinae', '40', NULL),
  (NULL, '234847', 'Chartae Latinae 41', 'Papyrus', 'Chartae Latinae', '41', NULL),
  (NULL, '234924', 'Chartae Latinae 42', 'Papyrus', 'Chartae Latinae', '42', NULL),
  (NULL, '235250', 'Chartae Latinae 44', 'Papyrus', 'Chartae Latinae', '44', NULL),
  (NULL, '235500', 'Chartae Latinae 45', 'Papyrus', 'Chartae Latinae', '45', NULL),
  (NULL, '235750', 'Chartae Latinae 46', 'Papyrus', 'Chartae Latinae', '46', NULL);
INSERT INTO `edition`
  (`id`, `sort`, `title`, `material`, `collection`, `volume`, `remark`) 
  (NULL, '772500', 'P. Oxy. 35', 'Papyrus', 'P. Oxy.', '35', NULL);
INSERT INTO `edition`
  (`id`, `sort`, `title`, `material`, `collection`, `volume`, `remark`) 
  (NULL, '1201000', 'O. dem.Leid.', 'Papyrus', 'O. dem.Leid.', NULL, NULL),
  (NULL, '1207499', 'O. dem.Mattha', 'Papyrus', 'O. dem.Mattha', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `edition`
  (`id`, `sort`, `title`, `material`, `collection`, `volume`, `remark`) 
  (NULL, '586142', 'P. Lond.copt. 1', 'Papyrus', 'P. Lond.copt. 1', '1', NULL);

okay, in dev und prod

Für Editionen hier gegenprüfen


Edelweiss commented 5 years ago

Wäre es hilfreich gleich alle anzulegen, oder lieber nur die aktuell benötigten?

Edelweiss commented 5 years ago


Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-13 um 13 30 01

In diesem Fall keine

ACHTUNG BEIM EXPORT aus google docs!!! Colspan!!! Siehe auch "64 A-B, 66 UU V°"

Edelweiss commented 5 years ago

Ist es okay, wenn Text leer ist?

Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-13 um 15 59 34

Es gibt unter 6658 Datensätzen nur vier dieser Art. (siehe auch Sheet 56to99, XXX)

jcowey commented 5 years ago

These four look somewhat odd, but because they are marked as finalised they are maybe not imports.

jcowey commented 5 years ago

It would be worth "gleich alle anzulegen".

jcowey commented 5 years ago

Only just arrived in Lund now!

Edelweiss commented 5 years ago

Sorry, ich erwarte keine Antworten. Ich nutze das Ticket nur als Gedächtnisprotokoll! Viel Spaß in Lund.

Edelweiss commented 5 years ago

Und gleich nochmals sorry, ich bezweifle inzwischen, dass ich in dieser Wochen mit den zu importierenden Daten fertig werden kann, geschweige denn ein weiteres Ticket anfangen kann.

jcowey commented 5 years ago

Kein Problem! If there are big difficulties then let us wait until next week. If you can point me to the difficulties that would be helpful. If not then we can deal with it next week.

jcowey commented 5 years ago

There are still improvements and completion of data that I could add to the googlespreadsheet, if you have not already imported data.

jcowey commented 5 years ago

By looking at production it seems that you have not done any lasting import. Perhaps if you could let me know where you stand tomorrow morning I can have a look. A morning of work is sort of planned

jcowey commented 5 years ago

By the way the first sheet 46to56 was complete as far as I was concerned. I had not filled out filled out columns C and H. I see that you HAVE filled these out. A possibility might be to try to focus on importing that specific sheet. Let me know what you think

jcowey commented 5 years ago

All done now.