Edelweiss / hgv

Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens
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BL-online in HGV::EpiDoc #93

Open Edelweiss opened 4 years ago

Edelweiss commented 4 years ago

Add information as to whether there are any BL corrections available online for a given HGV number to the respective HGV::EpiDoc metafile

Edelweiss commented 4 years ago

For Example HGV id 16679a

The BL corrections you find in HGV file 16679a can also be found on Heidelberg’s online representation of BL. Therefore we wish to make the link to the respective page available within Papyri.info, where we would like to see a clickable button or text link next to the bibliography for the BL entries.

So on Papyri.info we would like to see something like…

Post-Concordance BL Entries XII 203 BL online

This information could be living inside the EpiDoc file right next to the bibliographical information for BL.

<div type="bibliography" subtype="corrections">
  <head>BL-Einträge nach BL-Konkordanz</head>
    <bibl type="BL-online">
      <ptr target="https://aquila.zaw.uni-heidelberg.de/bl/hgv/16679a"/>
    <bibl type="BL">
      <biblScope type="volume">XII</biblScope>
      <biblScope type="pages">203</biblScope>

(There are of course many alternative ways for marking up this piece of information. One could, for example, also think of having a separate bibl entry dedicated to online information somewhere outside the listBibl tag, or even another div tag of type »bibliography« but of subtype »corrections-online« <div type="bibliography" subtype="corrections-online">. Ideas and hints to existing formatting of the kind are always welcome.)

If we were using EpiDoc markup as shown above, no changes would have to be made to SoSOL’s HGV metadata editor, but in order to display the data correctly in Papyri.info a few changes would be necessary for the EpiDoc stylesheets.

On the one hand, bibl tags of type »BL-online« should be ignored when assembling the content for the metadata field »Post-Concordance BL Entries«. On the other hand, we need to bring the new piece of information to display.

In htm-tpl-metadata.xsl on lines 80-85, the following changes could restrict the displayed data to bibl tags referring to non-online biblbiography and output a link to BL online.

<xsl:for-each select="//t:div[@type = 'bibliography' and @subtype = 'corrections']//t:bibl[@type='BL']">
  <xsl:value-of select="."/>               
  <xsl:if test="not(position() = last())">
    <xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
 <xsl:if test="//t:div[@type = 'bibliography' and @subtype = 'corrections']//t:bibl[@type='BL-online']/t:ptr/@target">
   <a href="{//t:div[@type = 'bibliography' and @subtype = 'corrections']//t:bibl[@type='BL-online']/t:ptr/@target}" title="BL online" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">BL online</a>
Edelweiss commented 4 years ago

More examples (for HGV ids with texLett, for HGV ids with many corrections and for HGV ids appearing in BL XII AND BL XIII)

https://aquila.zaw.uni-heidelberg.de/bl/hgv/24888 https://aquila.zaw.uni-heidelberg.de/bl/hgv/24888/rdf https://aquila.zaw.uni-heidelberg.de/bl/hgv/97220a https://aquila.zaw.uni-heidelberg.de/bl/hgv/97220a/json https://aquila.zaw.uni-heidelberg.de/bl/hgv/97220b https://aquila.zaw.uni-heidelberg.de/bl/hgv/97220b/json

https://aquila.zaw.uni-heidelberg.de/bl/hgv/22694a https://aquila.zaw.uni-heidelberg.de/bl/hgv/22694a/json https://aquila.zaw.uni-heidelberg.de/bl/hgv/22694b https://aquila.zaw.uni-heidelberg.de/bl/hgv/22694b/json https://aquila.zaw.uni-heidelberg.de/bl/hgv/22694c https://aquila.zaw.uni-heidelberg.de/bl/hgv/22694c/json