Edelweiss / hgv

Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens
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Add biblio reference for West Homer into DCLP files #94

Closed jcowey closed 4 years ago

jcowey commented 4 years ago

Please add the following code to DCLP files in master.

Using the spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MvSKzKpHQeZuk2aUHTRGf50fzfnIqFt5BXTe-cuf9RU/edit#gid=0

Add the relevant information at the corresponding place in each file. This is a model of how it should be done.


               <bibl n="2" type="reference" subtype="catalogue">
            <!-- ignore - start, i.e. SoSOL users may not edit this -->
            <!-- ignore - stop -->
                  <ptr target="http://papyri.info/biblio/16711"/>
                  <biblScope unit="number">109</biblScope>

The value / content of the <biblScope unit="number"> is the value / content found in column c of the spreadsheet.

Some of these numbers have already been entered using the editor for DCLP entry. For this reason it would probably be wise to check in advance and exclude those TM numbers from the list. Or perhaps match and overwrite.

Edelweiss commented 4 years ago

Hier fehlt die TM-Nummer


Vermutlich 68496

jcowey commented 4 years ago

Your assumption was correct. I have added 68496. I checked it. https://www.trismegistos.org/text/68496

Edelweiss commented 4 years ago


schon drin (siehe oben) git diff DCLP/61/60861.xml

neue principal edition (siehe oben) git diff DCLP/62/61258.xml

mehrfache vorkommende TM git diff DCLP/61/60260.xml

Hinzufügen zu bestehender Liste git diff DCLP/61/60254.xml

ohne @n git diff DCLP/61/60822.xml

mit @n Gibt es das überhaupt???

Edelweiss commented 4 years ago


jcowey commented 4 years ago

Looks great. I have tested random ones and looked at them in DCLP. It is all fine.

Edelweiss commented 4 years ago

biblScope attribute must be @unit instead of @type

<biblScope type="number">214</biblScope>
<biblScope type="unit">214</biblScope>



Edelweiss commented 4 years ago
