Eden-PHP / Mail

Eden POP3, IMAP and SMTP component
MIT License
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Can not use option novalidate-cert with imap/pop3 #76

Open trungtvmso opened 3 years ago

trungtvmso commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to login to my imap/pop3 with novalidate-cert but unfortunately that I can't do it

My imap_open script as below:

$host = "{imap.luxinet.fr:143/novalidate-cert}INBOX"; $mbox = imap_open($host,$email,$pwd);

the result of imap_open is

resource(18) of type (imap)

And this is my eden imap script

$imap = eden('mail')->imap( 'imap.luxinet.fr', ''.$email.'', ''.$pwd.'', 143, false);

This is dump of eden imap result:

object(Eden\Mail\Imap)#4 (14) { [ "host":protected ]=> string(15) "imap.luxinet.fr" [ "port":protected ]=> int(143) [ "ssl":protected ]=> bool(false) [ "tls":protected ]=> bool(true) [ "username":protected ]=> string(24) "xxxxx.xxxxx@luxinet.fr" [ "password":protected ]=> string(6) "xxxxxx" [ "tag":protected ]=> int(0) [ "total":protected ]=> int(0) [ "next":protected ]=> int(0) [ "buffer":protected ]=> NULL [ "socket":protected ]=> NULL [ "mailbox":protected ]=> NULL [ "mailboxes":protected ]=> array(0) {} [ "debugging":"Eden\Mail\Imap":private ]=> bool(false) } Can you please help me on this ???

trungtvmso commented 3 years ago

hmm, after researched, I found out that my mailbox was logged in already without any indicator in the login so that I didn't defind my own function.

Can you help me on this please?