EdenEast / nightfox.nvim

๐ŸฆŠA highly customizable theme for vim and neovim with support for lsp, treesitter and a variety of plugins.
MIT License
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bug: misc/feline.lua does not properly show all of the icons in the statusline #434

Closed Akatama closed 2 months ago

Akatama commented 2 months ago

Neovim version (nvim -v)


Operating system/version

Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS

Describe the bug

I found Nightfox a few days ago and I decided to try out Carbonfox because it looked amazing. I saw you had a config for a feline.nvim so I decided to try it. The status line renders correctly except some of the icons do not appear (or appear as something weird). I apologize I have had to make an issue here, as this has really nothing to do with any of the Nightfox color schemes.


I have tried to play around with it and figure out what is going on, but have not had much luck. I did see kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons was a required dependency for this file, so I did install that as well. My assumption is either ~/.config/nvim/lua/jimmy/ui/feline.lua cannot find the icons from nvim-web-devicons, or there is some other dependency I do not have that is causing the issue.

I am so sorry for the trouble!

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Use packer to install feline.nvim with kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons in a requires block
  2. Copy and paste misc/feline.lua to ~/.config/nvim/lua/jimmy/ui/feline.lua
  3. source feline.lua config
  4. Add 'require("jimmy.ui.feline")' to init.lua

Expected Behavior

I expect it to look like the image of Carbonfox on the the README, if possible.


vim.opt.termguicolors = true
local fmt = string.format

-- Colors

---Convert color number to hex string
---@param n number
---@return string
local hex = function(n)
  if n then
    return fmt("#%06x", n)

---Parse `style` string into nvim_set_hl options
---@param style string
---@return table
local function parse_style(style)
  if not style or style == "NONE" then
    return {}

  local result = {}
  for token in string.gmatch(style, "([^,]+)") do
    result[token] = true

  return result

---Get highlight opts for a given highlight group name
---@param name string
---@return table
local function get_highlight(name)
  local hl = vim.api.nvim_get_hl_by_name(name, true)
  if hl.link then
    return get_highlight(hl.link)

  local result = parse_style(hl.style)
  result.fg = hl.foreground and hex(hl.foreground)
  result.bg = hl.background and hex(hl.background)
  result.sp = hl.special and hex(hl.special)

  return result

---Set highlight group from provided table
---@param groups table
local function set_highlights(groups)
  for group, opts in pairs(groups) do
    vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, group, opts)

---Generate a color palette from the current applied colorscheme
---@return table
local function generate_pallet_from_colorscheme()
  -- stylua: ignore
  local color_map = {
    black   = { index = 0, default = "#393b44" },
    red     = { index = 1, default = "#c94f6d" },
    green   = { index = 2, default = "#81b29a" },
    yellow  = { index = 3, default = "#dbc074" },
    blue    = { index = 4, default = "#719cd6" },
    magenta = { index = 5, default = "#9d79d6" },
    cyan    = { index = 6, default = "#63cdcf" },
    white   = { index = 7, default = "#dfdfe0" },

  local diagnostic_map = {
    hint = { hl = "DiagnosticHint", default = color_map.green.default },
    info = { hl = "DiagnosticInfo", default = color_map.blue.default },
    warn = { hl = "DiagnosticWarn", default = color_map.yellow.default },
    error = { hl = "DiagnosticError", default = color_map.red.default },
    ok = { hl = "DiagnosticOk", default = color_map.green.default },

  local pallet = {}
  for name, value in pairs(color_map) do
    local global_name = "terminal_color_" .. value.index
    pallet[name] = vim.g[global_name] and vim.g[global_name] or value.default

  for name, value in pairs(diagnostic_map) do
    pallet[name] = get_highlight(value.hl).fg or value.default

  pallet.sl = get_highlight("StatusLine")
  pallet.sel = get_highlight("TabLineSel")

  return pallet

---Generate user highlight groups based on the curent applied colorscheme
---NOTE: This is a global because I dont known where this file will be in your config
---and it is needed for the autocmd below
_G._generate_user_statusline_highlights = function()
  local pal = generate_pallet_from_colorscheme()

  -- stylua: ignore
  local sl_colors = {
    Black   = { fg = pal.black,   bg = pal.white },
    Red     = { fg = pal.red,     bg = pal.sl.bg },
    Green   = { fg = pal.green,   bg = pal.sl.bg },
    Yellow  = { fg = pal.yellow,  bg = pal.sl.bg },
    Blue    = { fg = pal.blue,    bg = pal.sl.bg },
    Magenta = { fg = pal.magenta, bg = pal.sl.bg },
    Cyan    = { fg = pal.cyan,    bg = pal.sl.bg },
    White   = { fg = pal.white,   bg = pal.black },

  local colors = {}
  for name, value in pairs(sl_colors) do
    colors["User" .. name] = { fg = value.fg, bg = value.bg, bold = true }
    colors["UserRv" .. name] = { fg = value.bg, bg = value.fg, bold = true }

  local status = vim.o.background == "dark" and { fg = pal.black, bg = pal.white } or { fg = pal.white, bg = pal.black }

  local groups = {
    -- statusline
    UserSLHint = { fg = pal.sl.bg, bg = pal.hint, bold = true },
    UserSLInfo = { fg = pal.sl.bg, bg = pal.info, bold = true },
    UserSLWarn = { fg = pal.sl.bg, bg = pal.warn, bold = true },
    UserSLError = { fg = pal.sl.bg, bg = pal.error, bold = true },
    UserSLStatus = { fg = status.fg, bg = status.bg, bold = true },

    UserSLFtHint = { fg = pal.sel.bg, bg = pal.hint },
    UserSLHintInfo = { fg = pal.hint, bg = pal.info },
    UserSLInfoWarn = { fg = pal.info, bg = pal.warn },
    UserSLWarnError = { fg = pal.warn, bg = pal.error },
    UserSLErrorStatus = { fg = pal.error, bg = status.bg },
    UserSLStatusBg = { fg = status.bg, bg = pal.sl.bg },

    UserSLAlt = pal.sel,
    UserSLAltSep = { fg = pal.sl.bg, bg = pal.sel.bg },
    UserSLGitBranch = { fg = pal.yellow, bg = pal.sl.bg },

  set_highlights(vim.tbl_extend("force", colors, groups))


vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("UserStatuslineHighlightGroups", { clear = true })
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "SessionLoadPost", "ColorScheme" }, {
  callback = function()

-- Feline

local vi = {
  -- Map vi mode to text name
  text = {
    n = "NORMAL",
    no = "NORMAL",
    i = "INSERT",
    v = "VISUAL",
    V = "V-LINE",
    [""] = "V-BLOCK",
    c = "COMMAND",
    cv = "COMMAND",
    ce = "COMMAND",
    R = "REPLACE",
    Rv = "REPLACE",
    s = "SELECT",
    S = "SELECT",
    [""] = "SELECT",
    t = "TERMINAL",

  -- Maps vi mode to highlight group color defined above
  colors = {
    n = "UserRvCyan",
    no = "UserRvCyan",
    i = "UserSLStatus",
    v = "UserRvMagenta",
    V = "UserRvMagenta",
    [""] = "UserRvMagenta",
    R = "UserRvRed",
    Rv = "UserRvRed",
    r = "UserRvBlue",
    rm = "UserRvBlue",
    s = "UserRvMagenta",
    S = "UserRvMagenta",
    [""] = "FelnMagenta",
    c = "UserRvYellow",
    ["!"] = "UserRvBlue",
    t = "UserRvBlue",

  -- Maps vi mode to seperator highlight goup defined above
  sep = {
    n = "UserCyan",
    no = "UserCyan",
    i = "UserSLStatusBg",
    v = "UserMagenta",
    V = "UserMagenta",
    [""] = "UserMagenta",
    R = "UserRed",
    Rv = "UserRed",
    r = "UserBlue",
    rm = "UserBlue",
    s = "UserMagenta",
    S = "UserMagenta",
    [""] = "FelnMagenta",
    c = "UserYellow",
    ["!"] = "UserBlue",
    t = "UserBlue",

local icons = {
  locker = "๏€ฃ", -- #f023
  page = "โ˜ฐ", -- 2630
  line_number = "๎‚ก", -- e0a1
  connected = "๏ —", -- f817
  dos = "๎œ", -- e70f
  unix = "๏…ผ", -- f17c
  mac = "๏…น", -- f179
  mathematical_L = "๐‘ณ",
  vertical_bar = "โ”ƒ",
  vertical_bar_thin = "โ”‚",
  left = "๎‚ณ",
  right = "๎‚ฑ",
  block = "โ–ˆ",
  left_filled = "๎‚ฒ",
  right_filled = "๎‚ฐ",
  slant_left = "๎‚บ",
  slant_left_thin = "๎‚ป",
  slant_right = "๎‚ธ",
  slant_right_thin = "๎‚น",
  slant_left_2 = "๎‚พ",
  slant_left_2_thin = "๎‚ฟ",
  slant_right_2 = "๎‚ผ",
  slant_right_2_thin = "๎‚ฝ",
  left_rounded = "๎‚ถ",
  left_rounded_thin = "๎‚ท",
  right_rounded = "๎‚ด",
  right_rounded_thin = "๎‚ต",
  circle = "โ—",

---Get the number of diagnostic messages for the provided severity
---@param str string [ERROR | WARN | INFO | HINT]
---@return string
local function get_diag(str)
  local diagnostics = vim.diagnostic.get(0, { severity = vim.diagnostic.severity[str] })
  local count = #diagnostics

  return (count > 0) and " " .. count .. " " or ""

---Get highlight group from vi mode
---@return string
local function vi_mode_hl()
  return vi.colors[vim.fn.mode()] or "UserSLViBlack"

---Get sep highlight group from vi mode
local function vi_sep_hl()
  return vi.sep[vim.fn.mode()] or "UserSLBlack"

---Get the path of the file relative to the cwd
---@return string
local function file_info()
  local list = {}
  if vim.bo.readonly then
    table.insert(list, "๐Ÿ”’")

  if vim.bo.modified then
    table.insert(list, "โ—")

  table.insert(list, vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0), ":~:."))

  return table.concat(list, " ")

-- Create a table that contians every status line commonent
local c = {
  vimode = {
    provider = function()
      return fmt(" %s ", vi.text[vim.fn.mode()])
    hl = vi_mode_hl,
    right_sep = { str = "๎‚ธ ", hl = vi_sep_hl },
  gitbranch = {
    provider = "git_branch",
    icon = "๎‚  ",
    hl = "UserSLGitBranch",
    right_sep = { str = "  ", hl = "UserSLGitBranch" },
    enabled = function()
      return vim.b.gitsigns_status_dict ~= nil
  file_type = {
    provider = function()
      return fmt(" %s ", vim.bo.filetype:upper())
    hl = "UserSLAlt",
  fileinfo = {
    provider = { name = "file_info", opts = { type = "relative" } },
    hl = "UserSLAlt",
    left_sep = { str = "๎‚ผ ", hl = "UserSLAltSep" },
    right_sep = { str = " ๎‚พ", hl = "UserSLAltSep" },
  file_enc = {
    provider = function()
      local os = icons[vim.bo.fileformat] or ""
      return fmt(" %s %s ", os, vim.bo.fileencoding)
    hl = "StatusLine",
    left_sep = { str = icons.left_filled, hl = "UserSLAltSep" },
  cur_position = {
    provider = function()
      -- TODO: What about 4+ diget line numbers?
      return fmt(" %3d:%-2d ", unpack(vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)))
    hl = vi_mode_hl,
    left_sep = { str = icons.left_filled, hl = vi_sep_hl },
  cur_percent = {
    provider = function()
      return " " .. require("feline.providers.cursor").line_percentage() .. "  "
    hl = vi_mode_hl,
    left_sep = { str = icons.left, hl = vi_mode_hl },
  default = { -- needed to pass the parent StatusLine hl group to right hand side
    provider = "",
    hl = "StatusLine",
  lsp_status = {
    provider = function()
      return vim.tbl_count(vim.lsp.buf_get_clients(0)) == 0 and "" or " โ—ฆ "
    hl = "UserSLStatus",
    left_sep = { str = "๎‚ฒ", hl = "UserSLStatusBg", always_visible = true },
    right_sep = { str = "๎‚ฒ", hl = "UserSLErrorStatus", always_visible = true },
  lsp_error = {
    provider = function()
      return get_diag("ERROR")
    hl = "UserSLError",
    right_sep = { str = "๎‚ฒ", hl = "UserSLWarnError", always_visible = true },
  lsp_warn = {
    provider = function()
      return get_diag("WARN")
    hl = "UserSLWarn",
    right_sep = { str = "๎‚ฒ", hl = "UserSLInfoWarn", always_visible = true },
  lsp_info = {
    provider = function()
      return get_diag("INFO")
    hl = "UserSLInfo",
    right_sep = { str = "๎‚ฒ", hl = "UserSLHintInfo", always_visible = true },
  lsp_hint = {
    provider = function()
      return get_diag("HINT")
    hl = "UserSLHint",
    right_sep = { str = "๎‚ฒ", hl = "UserSLFtHint", always_visible = true },

  in_fileinfo = {
    provider = "file_info",
    hl = "StatusLine",
  in_position = {
    provider = "position",
    hl = "StatusLine",
  file_winbar = {
    provider = file_info,
    hl = "Comment",

local active = {
  { -- left
    c.default, -- must be last
  { -- right

local inactive = {
  { c.in_fileinfo }, -- left
  { c.in_position }, -- right

  components = { active = active, inactive = inactive },
  highlight_reset_triggers = {},
  force_inactive = {
    filetypes = {
    buftypes = { "terminal" },
    bufnames = {},
  disable = {
    filetypes = {

vim.cmd [[packadd packer.nvim]]

return require('packer').startup(function(use)
    -- Packer can manage itself
    use 'wbthomason/packer.nvim'

        as = 'Nightfox',
        config = function()
            vim.cmd('colorscheme carbonfox')

    use {
        requires = { {"kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons"}}
Akatama commented 2 months ago

You know what, I just realized I am an idiot. The nerdfont I have does not have these icons, and that was the problem. Feel free to close the bug, I am sorry I wasted your time.