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The Savage #1328

Closed montijin closed 5 years ago

montijin commented 5 years ago

This fight feels really undertuned, my group killed it in almost under a minute. (I used 8 bullets total on the entire fight) Ouryu has less than 4500 HP while the wiki says it has 6k~

The spell damage was also really low 8tG3XnK

Strumerjohn commented 5 years ago

The only healing done was just two Regen II spells. I just stood there doing nothing for the rest of the minute.

isotor commented 5 years ago


Slamm21 commented 5 years ago

We did this today, I did not need to heal once and it was so weak I was attacking it as rdm after a while. It also seemed to give up before 30%

slassen commented 5 years ago

This issue will be addressed. Most likely players will be warped to the location to attempt the fight again that have already completed it with a potential exception for the original players that reported it. Additional CoP missions won’t be released until this issue is addressed. Thanks for reporting.

EliannaEden commented 5 years ago

So, are we getting our progress rolled back? Most of us who have stayed current on CoP actually discussed this bug report with Monti in private and agreed. Not everyone who acknowledged the situation will have come here and posted. We've cleared 12-20~ people since then and Ouryu doing a bit more damage and having more hp wouldn't have stopped us from progressing past him.

Lord of Onzozo didn't have counter until a few days ago, so is it time to roll back every club drop from Kupo to current Eden? Rolling back progress seems like a scorched earth solution to a minor problem.

slassen commented 5 years ago

No, wouldn’t be like that at all. It would be just redoing the battle. All progress would stay the same.

slassen commented 5 years ago

There should be incentive to report bugs not hide in fear. So original reporters are usually exempt unless it’s a large issue.

Slamm21 commented 5 years ago

One thing I would like to add is my one attempt to sleep him failed. Granted my gear is fairly gimped for 50cap but I did have int+15 and a glamour jupon (enfeebling+3) equipped. Shiva's sleep did land.

It could have just been bad luck as magic hit rate can never be 100% but the common tactic on retail was: Sleep > move to feet> fight > sleep if having issues. He would build up a sleep resistance quickly but you could usually get 2 or 3 sleeps in to help recover a bit since he hit pretty hard on retail.

Also, I do not remember if in era, but at some point, it was changed so you could have more than one mistmelt or trade them. right now they don't say rare/ex but you can't trade and if you try to get a 2nd you just lose both feathers and get nothing.

EliannaEden commented 5 years ago

For more context, we ran this 2 weeks ago with WAR/BLM/BLM/WHM/RNG/RDM and damage wasn't as clear cut as some of these accounts make it. The WAR was BiS for LV50 and was eaten alive once shadows went down. Ouryu was hitting fast and hard, he went down in 5 melee hits even with 4 mages casting Cure II's and III's. Once it went up in the air we just cast benediction and followed the tried and true strategy of Elemental Seal + Freeze.

We did not have any spells cast on us during the fight, we sealed and silenced it during the initial pull. The air attacks were hitting my BLM for 120-180 depending on resists. Once it was in the air it only lived for 3 spell casts before the BCNM ended. Ouryu's HP was below 30% at this point due to a spell hitting at the last moment.

I don't know if there is a variable in the BCNM that would account for this difference in damage people are experiencing. I can say that this most recent fight was more difficult than the fight we did a few days after the mission was released on Eden.

slassen commented 5 years ago

Oh I see. So the only problem you can tell is his casting strength?

Slamm21 commented 5 years ago

Looking at the screenshot his physical strength seems about right where his magic damage is way too low. I assume they had barstonra which would help. Also, he seems to give up early? looked for us like 45% instead of at 30% which matches with the comment of 4.5k hp before he gave up instead of 6k.

I watched an old video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0SJLYTlonE and at 6:26 you see a stonega II did 240 to their tank which would be 279 without shell 2. Edit: this was an ariel attack, please see below.

Even at a full 1/16th resist it should still do 15 damage to anything except a rdm or whm (MDB job traits) and on a battle like this, you would not expect that to happen because of the level and int difference.

You can also see in the video how easy it was to sleep him. That elvaan rdm/blm would have needed int+20 to beat the magic hit rate of my gear as hume rdm/nin and much higher than that to sleep so many times like they did. Considering they had full RSE this is unlikely.

He also may have much low physical defence than he is supposed to have? as he died very quickly in both our experiences.

EliannaEden commented 5 years ago

Looking at the screenshot his physical strength seems about right where his magic damage is way too low. I assume they had barstonra which would help. Also, he seems to give up early? looked for us like 45% instead of at 30% which matches with the comment of 4.5k hp before he gave up instead of 6k.

At 1:13 the PLD is hit for 240 damage by the air attacks. His HP goes from 1008 > 768.

At 1:30 the PLD is hit for 57 DMG. His HP goes from 768 > 711.

At 2:57 the PLD is hit by Stonega II for 186 DMG. His HP goes from 1010 > 824.

At 2:59 the PLD is hit my a melee attack for 156 DMG. His HP goes from 824 > 668. 668 > 552 (Physical attack) 552 > 403 (Physical attack)

3:28 the PLD is hit by an air attack for 121 DMG. He went from 886 HP to 765.

4:57 the PLD is hit by a physical attack for 39 dmg. He went from 1010 > 971 HP. 971 > 851 (Physical attack)

6:18 the PLD is hit by Stonega II for 186 dmg He went from 1010 to 824 HP. 824 > 584 (Air attack) 584 > 344 (Air attack) 534 > 294 (Air attack)

At 6:47 the PLD is hit by a physical attack for 212 dmg. He went from 832 to 620 HP.

From 6:50 > 7::26 I can't tell wtf is going on, too many spam heals and panic.

At 8:36 the PLD is hit by a physical attack for 118 dmg. He went from 1010 HP to 892 HP.

At 9:11 the PLD is hit by an air attack for 230 dmg. He went from 883 to 653 HP.

Are we watching the same video here guys? Also, yes mobs are subjected to the same magic penalty as player characters when casting agas on multiple targets. Proof? Run Dynamis once or let a god in Sky cast on you individually or in a party.

His damage in the video varies as widely as I've experienced on Eden. This fight in retail was a joke. I was part of the JP party who had first clear and to step foot in Sea on our server. What are you guys remembering, other than a bunch of new content that pushed what you knew of the game? Also, from the looks of the RSE wearing, cotton doublet sporting party in this video, I'm going to assume their gear is absolute garbage. Monti's party would have been BiS for practically every piece.

In regards to sleep resist, I don't know. I've had sleep resist on a too weak mob.

Edit: I got thinking, where is the evidence that Ouryu only has 4,500HP on Eden? How did Monti arrive at that number? Was it an addon, an estimate, did he go through the logs and add up all the damage they did? Has anyone else who has done this fight taken the time to calculate it? I certainly haven't.

Is Slamm sure it was 45% when the BCNM ended? I can say for absolute certain I've never seen the BCNM end before 35% on Eden and I've been through this fight 4 times now. There is a slight hang/delay before the BCNM ends where Ouryu's health doesn't seem to change and our characters are immovable. The length and how quickly this hang/delay happens is variable, sometimes it seems to end quickly and other times it's as if your client has frozen. Did he confuse this for it ending early, and missed a healthy chunk of damage that wasn't obvious?

Based on the DSP link, the consensus was that Ouryu needed to do more magic damage. This isn't a game changer and I don't feel it warrants wasting time refighting this joke BCNM.

EliannaEden commented 5 years ago

4,500 HP was close. It was actually 5000.

Our damage was as follows >

5 9 48 43 6 18 5 14 37 9 19 264 240 750 231 792 734 48 136 229 54 239 157 102 91 26 42 56 10 38 138 216 223 Total Damage Done: 5029

The indicator on Ouryu's HP definitively said 30% when the BCNM ended. I can't attest to magic damage but you can see by the logs he hits fairly hard and the ninja was barely able to keep shadows while it was on the ground.

In flight, we were getting hit between 40-200+ damage depending on resists.

This was all done on May 30th, 2019.

Elianna_2019 05 30_144401 Elianna_2019 05 30_144408 Elianna_2019 05 30_144413 Elianna_2019 05 30_144417 Elianna_2019 05 30_144421 Elianna_2019 05 30_144427

Slamm21 commented 5 years ago

some nice numbers there for insight. I cannot be 100% it was 45% because it happened so fast, it seems part of the issue was his defence being too low as 5k instead of 6k hp is not a huge difference but he did die far too quickly for us (about 2 mins).

The fight was always a joke, and anything that can be slept repeatedly like that will be even with a mismatched setup. In our fight we had no proper tank, our tank was a drg/nin with 2 thieves using SATA+hide to keep him with hate on the right foot and while dual boxing one of those thieves I only got tp once to do that and terror stopped it anyway. The drg kept hate from damage alone and it died before I even had to cure. Yes it was weak on retail but nothing like that. Our damage was just the DRG, two thieves, shiva and a bst and me but by the time I realised how weak he was and went to attack it I only did 60 damage.

He seems to be hitting about right for 200damage ish, and looking at the logs maybe he had a hard time keeping shadows because slow never landed and paralyze never seemed to proc? Our drg with just ichi never had an issue.

that is a better analysis of the video than I made, the 240 damage was, in fact, an aerial attack as he was casting that previous to being slept, my mistake. Just going over the nukes:

At 2:57 the PLD is hit by Stonega II for 186 DMG. His HP goes from 1010 > 824. 6:18 the PLD is hit by Stonega II for 186 dmg He went from 1010 to 824 HP. That means without shell 2 it would have been 216 damage

You can work out Ouryus int from the 216 damage, which means since stonega 2 has a value of 201 that Ouryu has 15 more int than the galka. The galka has 32 int at level 50 as pld/war since he is unlikely to have any int in gear so Ouryu, therefore, must have 47 int. Even with shell 2 and a full 1/16th resist that should still do 10 damage to anything except a RDM or WHM.

tacbox3 commented 5 years ago

I think part of the issue here is better player knowledge and preparation. Yes he's gone down fast for most of us but this fight was always a DPS race. Having multiple BLM to freeze was an accepted strat on retail and seems to be a common theme among many of the groups in this thread on Eden.

The only thing that felt strange to me was that aggro was static once he was flying. I'm not sure if this was intended behavior, but our tank was getting absolutely crushed and he didn't lose aggro to the 2 BLM we had casting freeze.

Unfortunately I don't have screen grabs to back these comments up, but seeing as the comments are trending towards 'this was easy but not broken', I wanted to add my impressions.

Crabdance9 commented 5 years ago

My group just did this fight last night. Pld, Brd, Sam, Thf, Whm, Blm. It took us a few times of zoning in and out to actually complete the fight.

Every initial pull he was 100% evading melee attacks as if he would while in the air. First attempt he never landed on his own (we didnt bring mistmelts).

Next attempt tank was trucked by melee attacks so we zoned out to get a clean pull and Ouryu eventually followed us and killed our tank in the waiting area outside the BC.

Final attempt where we ended up killing him he did a ~1200 damage breath to one shot our PLD but eventually did land properly after a flight phase and then melee were able to successfully hit.

From our observations it almost seemed as if he started off with his flight traits being unable to be hit by melee attacks even though he still using grounded abilities.

slassen commented 5 years ago

Thanks @isotor