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Hpemde attack while sleeping #2658

Open 59blargedy opened 4 years ago

59blargedy commented 4 years ago



potentially related to #2532 1) attack an hpemde. 2) sleep it 3) when it wakes, sleep again, receive message that mob is slept 4) stay in same position close to mob and watch as it attacks you

https://youtu.be/TsAlBYNgvDQ ver 30181205_0

E5una commented 4 years ago

Thanks for linking the tickets I think this is helpful. To provide some more info I think will help, you can see this paragraph on the Hpemde wiki:

"Hpemdes that have been damaged and start to attack will occasionally open their mouths for approximately 30 seconds; this doubles their attack output, and decreases their defense by half, much like Berserk. Inflicting sleep on the Hpemde will cause the position of the Hpemde's mouth to remain in the slept position (be it open or closed) for the duration of the sleep. It has also been reported that a critical melee hit, double attack, physical Blood Pact, Weapon Skill, critical damage magical attack, or other such powerful attacks performed while the Hpemde's mouth is open will force it to close its mouth. With precise timing it may be possible to perform two or more powerful attacks during one "mouth opening"."

Currently on Eden, Hpemdes DO NOT instantly close their mouth in response to a large attack, and DO NOT maintain their current form while sleeping. HOWEVER, the Euvhi (flowers) in the palace DO have all of this working perfectly. They instantly close if you deliver a heavy nuke, and they maintain their open/closed forms while sleeping, which is not true for the Hpemdes. Please look at the Euvhi code and it will make this much easier to resolve!

CdoubleOkay commented 4 years ago

Currently happening with Aura Weapons in Shrine as well.
