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Despawning and Respawn of monster times wrong (BST). #2764

Closed Satirof closed 10 months ago

Satirof commented 4 years ago



version 30181205_0

From my experience of BST on retail in era, when charming a monster, pulling it out of its usual walking radius, and letting it depop, the monster should respawn within about 1 minute. However on Eden it doesn't have the shortened respawn time, instead it respawns after the normal time as if it had been killed. This makes converting potential pets to the appropriate level as a beastmaster extremely slow and frustrating.

The patch which implemented the despawn/respawn mechanic (MPK patch) is https://ffxiclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/2005_-_(12/13/2005)_Update_Details#Battle-related which states "the monster will disappear, and then reappear after a short time in its proper location."

Extra information regarding the exact time can be found on the BST wiki guides, such as https://ffxiclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Guide_to_BST/NIN_by_Ctownwoody "First, de-charming a pet outside its natural spawn area will de-spawn it for about a minute only to have it re-spawn just as if you killed it. This process, known by BSTs as 'Converting', will reset a mob's level, so you can turn Tough mobs into Even Match mobs, for better pets."

Steps: 1: Charm a monster 2: Pull outside its normal walk radius 3: Use leave 4: Wait for it to despawn 5: After 1min wonder where the monster is... 6: after 5-16 minutes (depending on mob) it will respawn.

statuseffect commented 4 years ago

Adding to this issue, some mobs will randomly "Auto-Despawn" upon using Leave.

59blargedy commented 3 years ago

the commented action no longer occurs, but in regards to respawn on despawn here is a relevant video from dowzer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iEhMt5vRgk

KnowOne134 commented 10 months ago

Corrected in 12/15/2023 update