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BRD songs getting buff from fishing rod equipped #4252

Closed itstheaquinn closed 3 years ago

itstheaquinn commented 3 years ago



It was brought to my attention by Guitarmacist on discord that BRD songs are receiving a buff when a fishing rod is equipped. He provided his testing on his Elvaan BLM30/BRD15 (/BRD skills: capped 44 Singing, capped 44 String, and uncapped 39 Wind):

On /BRD, only Singing skill should be considered for song potency. Fishing rods appear to be including String and/or Wind instrument in the potency calculation. Army's Paeon restores the expected amount (2HP/tick) with Halcyon rod equipped. Therefore it is assumed to not be a "+Song" tier.

No songs: 80 acc, 88 attack Minuet: 80 acc, 99 attack (+11 attack) Madrigal: 85 acc, 88 attack (+5 acc)

Crayfish ball equipped, no Range Minuet: 80 acc, 99 attack (+11 attack) Madrigal: 85 acc, 88 attack (+5 acc)

Halcyon rod equipped, no Ammo Minuet: 80 acc, 104 attack (+16 attack) Madrigal: 95 acc, 88 attack (+15 acc)

Halcyon rod + Crayfish ball equipped Minuet: 80 acc, 104 attack (+16 attack) Madrigal: 95 acc, 88 attack (+15 acc)

Clothespole equipped, no Ammo Minuet: 80 acc, 104 attack (+16 attack) Madrigal: 95 acc, 88 attack (+15 acc)

Animator equipped, no Ammo Minuet: 80 acc, 99 attack (+11 attack) Madrigal: 85 acc, 88 attack (+5 acc)

I then went ahead and tested this on my BRD75/BLM37 with capped skills (Singing240, String233, Wind237):

No songs Attack: 59 Accuracy: 65

No Ranged or Ammo equipped Minuet IV: 91 Attack Blade Madrigal: 80 Accuracy

Cornette +1 (Minuet +2 wind instrument) equipped Minuet IV: 125 Attack

Traversiere +1 (Madrigal +2 wind instrument) equipped Blade Madrigal: 97 Accuracy

Composite Fishing Rod equipped Minuet IV: 120 Attack Blade Madrigal: 95 Accuracy

Version: 30181205_0

59blargedy commented 3 years ago

resolved in the March 29, 2021 update