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Golden-Tongued Culberry issue when under 666 mp #4600

Open mlandrum22 opened 2 years ago

mlandrum22 commented 2 years ago



I was fighting Golden-Tongued Culberry and almost ran him out of mp. A recently dead character used a Blood Pact (Nether Blast) and Golden-Tongued Culberry started casting Stonega 3 and completed the cast even though Diabolos got hate before the cast was off.

I think this was due to Golden-Tongued Culberry not having enough MP to actually change course and cast Death. Shortly after he stopped casting all together.

59blargedy commented 2 years ago

the hate shift interrupt mechanic is separate from the pet hate mechanic, so i wonder if the hate shift was just too late in the spellcast, but before the results appeared on your screen. will leave up but that is my guess.