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[Ballista] Ballista common issues / bugs list #5217

Open ThoseWhoFight opened 1 year ago

ThoseWhoFight commented 1 year ago


Consolidated list of common issues and bugs plaguing ballista matches currently, by the participants comprised of Eden/Retail players.

ThoseWhoFight commented 1 year ago

Adding two YT channels for retail ballista video resources



59blargedy commented 1 year ago

thanks for pulling these together. some qs/comments

59blargedy commented 1 year ago

another general q i have that needs retail research: if a bard uses troubadour to extend the length of an enfeebling spell, does the duration cap occur before or after (i.e will troubadour allow double the max time, or just be capped and therefore be basically useless) edit: this info may be in wiki pages, i definitely have not looked into ballista, so apologies if it's readily available and im not seeing it yet.

ThoseWhoFight commented 1 year ago

So I think I figured this one out possibly, it happened again during the Meriphataud match earlier using a demoralizer this time. I noticed the casting got interrupted using it on an enemy team member, I still had the item in inventory but could no longer use it and I could no longer drop it either. Guessing maybe it registered as if the item went off, but it didn't and could no longer be tossed either.

ThoseWhoFight commented 1 year ago

Additionally, found that certain actions like Provoke and missed ranged attacks didn't seem to interrupt an enemy team member while mid scoring.

59blargedy commented 1 year ago

I noticed the casting got interrupted using it on an enemy team member, I still had the item in inventory but could no longer use it and I could no longer drop it either.

was the casting interrupted bc they ran out of range or the item would be interrupted regardless upon use?

ThoseWhoFight commented 1 year ago

Reviewing the footage, it's because he stepped out of range of the item being used the first time. After that it just gave the message "Unable to use item" and "Drop item" was greyed out. It would still give a casting bar after subsequent use attempts after the first interrupted one, but they would never complete, no player "using item" animation started and would receive the "unable to use item" message in log.

ThoseWhoFight commented 1 year ago

Also noticed this wasn't exclusive to pvp, seems to proc in chat log vs pve mobs as well, but 0 damage is actually done. Not sure if that helps at all.

inaringo commented 1 year ago

Couple more issues in ballista: -Third Eye should block ranged attacks and ranged WS -Carnal Incense should block ranged WS as long as they are physical

59blargedy commented 1 year ago

resolved issues with spell duration. still need more information on some items to help resolve.

inaringo commented 1 year ago

https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm37018270 @2:05 Kilin on the Windurst team gets hit with Gravity. You can see the slow run @2:14.

edit: Thanos gets Gravity'd @3:30, can see it better

inaringo commented 1 year ago


6:11 Niiome anticipates a ranged attack with Third Eye. Not sure if too recent to count, but it seems Third Eye was never changed after era cut-off.

Edit: https://giant.gfycat.com/DecentAnimatedChimpanzee.mp4 Video from 2008. Megume anticipates Okesmokes ranged attack.

KOS-elos commented 1 year ago

@30:17 TP was 38%. Got hit a lot and died at 30:59. Didn't range anyone and shows he has exactly 50% TP 32:01. Can't tell if its just crazy coincidence he got exactly 50% when he died, or the statements are true that when you auto revive you do indeed get 50% back only, not the TP you died with, besides below 50. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm37018419

inaringo commented 1 year ago

Silence from Kabura Arrows don't seem to be subject to wind resist checks when they should be and always land for full duration of 60 seconds when it should be shorter. Was getting hit 100% and full duration through +40 wind resist equipment, barsilence, and baraero.

59blargedy commented 1 year ago

Silence from Kabura Arrows don't seem to be subject to wind resist checks when they should be and always land for full duration of 60 seconds when it should be shorter. Was getting hit 100% and full duration through +40 wind resist equipment, barsilence, and baraero.

weapon addl effects are pass fail. either it will land for full duration or it wont land, and it goes through resistance checks that include barspells, wind resist, etc to determine this. if the duration of addl weapon effects should be shortened as a general thing in ballista (like casted enfeebles) then that would be an issue, but your wind resist will not affect duration.

ThoseWhoFight commented 1 year ago

Adding status ammo audit to list. Sleep bolts definitely refresh endlessly with little to no variance, unsure if this is accurate. Need retail evidence

59blargedy commented 1 year ago

Adding status ammo audit to list. Sleep bolts definitely refresh endlessly with little to no variance, unsure if this is accurate. Need retail evidence

sorry, just trying to understand what refresh endlessly means, can you clarify? do you mean the sleep bolts overwrite? also, kinda same q as with inaringo, unsure if their duration should be affected in any way.

ThoseWhoFight commented 1 year ago

sorry, just trying to understand what refresh endlessly means, can you clarify? do you mean the sleep bolts overwrite? also, kinda same q as with inaringo, unsure if their duration should be affected in any way.

Yes, sleep bolts overwrite to full duration. Unsure how accurate this is, but doesn't seem like it's right. Just making a note so people can find evidence when looking through retail videos or if a retail player can test it would be pretty open shut case I imagine.

KOS-elos commented 1 year ago

https://youtu.be/JgVncTOeHHk Can someone clarify if this may be due to the lag difference, that Octo still got hit when he was out of range?

59blargedy commented 1 year ago

resolved tp, gravity, ra range in October 7, 2022 update. would be helpful if op was updated to note resolved items. thank you.

ThoseWhoFight commented 1 year ago

Eden testing: Provoke / Pebble missing / All ranged attacks hit or miss doesn't interrupt scoring aoe damage (battle dance) interrupts properly aoe non damage (poisonga) interrupts properly Cure spells from allies interrupts properly single target non dmg (Para/Slow) interrupts properly

Seems to just be JAs and ranged attacks that needs fixing currently.

ThoseWhoFight commented 1 year ago

Additionally, no variable resist or gradual resist on sleep bolts, static 24 seconds or full resist(no sleep proc) but nothing in between. Timer should decrease after multiple procs in short period. Retail testing needed?

SolidSioux commented 1 year ago

Idk if this helps or will be considered enough proof but this video shows a Samurai anticipating a ranged attack in Ballista and in era. Happens at the one minute mark.


inaringo commented 1 year ago

Leviathan Tail whip gives full potency (instead of ballista potency) gravity plus ~2min duration when it should be less.

59blargedy commented 1 year ago

resolved mp issue, ja interrupt, some degree of status bolt. if op can be updated with carnal incense bug and summoner enfeeb issues and remove resolved things id appreciate it, this is hard for me to track but i get it's easier for you guys

inaringo commented 11 months ago

Physical AOE blue magic, such as Battle Dance and Blastbomb, should remove Third Eye.

59blargedy commented 11 months ago

do you have a source? otherwise ill need to test it myself

inaringo commented 11 months ago

nah I'll see if I can find something tho. just something multiple people have told me.

inaringo commented 11 months ago


So it doesn't specify BLU magic, but English and Japanese wiki do say that AOE physical moves do damage through and remove Third Eye. Also Japanese wiki mentions Third Eye began absorbing ranged attacks in 2005, and specifically mentions Ballista as an example.

59blargedy commented 11 months ago

ok, i'll check blue magic specifically, thank you. we're good on proof for ranged attack being absorbed by third eye, it's just that it is difficult to code. update: tested and blue AOE physical magic does strip third eye.

59blargedy commented 11 months ago

resolved blue aoe third eye interacton

inaringo commented 10 months ago

Leviathan Tail whip gives full potency (instead of ballista potency) gravity plus ~2min duration when it should be less.

https://youtu.be/mwl8PLdgeNg?t=2863 As video shows-- Gravity from Tail Whip puts you at walk speed when it should be slow run.