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Super/Catchup Items in Ballista #5600

Open SolidSioux opened 1 year ago

SolidSioux commented 1 year ago



Ver 3.000000

It is currently either not possible to quarry a Revitalizer, Body Boost or Mana Boost in a 60 cap Ballista or the chance of this event is incorrectly low. These items were added to the wiki in 2006. I believe they have always been a part of Ballista as I was unable to find a version update before 2006 mentioning them being added.

59blargedy commented 1 year ago

there are notes in the file indicating this is a todo as those items should only be given out in matches as a special catch-up mechanism, i.e. teams in the lead should not receive. if there's any actual data/accounts/forum posts/video scouring that can point us towards how often this would have a chance to be obtained, and far down the losing team would have to be, then that would help progress.