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Dynamis HP/MP Statues Recovery Animation #5683

Open DeuceFFXI opened 1 year ago

DeuceFFXI commented 1 year ago



While looking at videos from "era" circa 2007-2009, managed to come across an animation and chat messages that occur upon the death of an MP or HP statue.

https://youtu.be/ZRAJRmMTq30?t=137 - MP statue, uploaded in Sept. '09. Can clearly see the effect and chatlog messages. (PC)

https://youtu.be/bOiIc50luM4?t=585 - HP statue, uploaded Apr '09. Same effect with an HP stat.

If requested I can try to find videos of this effect from before 2009. Although, I don't believe there was ever a patch to add this effect that I can recall.