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Dynamis Xarcabard: Prototype Statues Multiple Issues #5694

Open DeuceFFXI opened 11 months ago

DeuceFFXI commented 11 months ago



Several issues need to be addressed regarding the prototype statues in Dynamis - Xarcabard.

This video will be referenced multiple times and will be known as the "SAM Video".

  1. Prototype Statues do not share the same high defensive stats as normal statues as seen here (PLD auto-attacks), here (RNG EES 1-shot), and in the SAM Video.
  2. Time Extensions and other statues that spawn from the death of a trigger should spawn immediately and not when the trigger's name disappears as seen at 4:43 and 6:42 in the SAM Video, as well as here.
  3. Statue 233 per this map, the Time Extension North of the RDM, BRD, & WAR NM tower should only require the middle eye, 219 to be defeated for it to spawn. Proof shown beginning at 6:05 of the SAM Video. Corroboration found around 3:31 of this video.
  4. Per this screenshot of the statue labeled 175 on the previously mentioned map, as well as reference on this map it should be an MP statue. Currently it is does not give MP.Statue 175
  5. Per this screenshot, Statue 336 should also be an MP statue. It also needs to be changed from a Tombstone Prototype to an Effigy Prototype, further proof of this seen at ~1:40 of the SAM Video. Further corroboration that 336 should be an MP statue can be found on the previously mentioned Japanese Wiki map.
  6. Once again referencing the JP wiki map, Statue 52 should be an MP statue.
  7. Per the Dynamis Bums map, Prototype Icon, or Statue 126 should spawn from an unknown eye or collection of eyes part of the group of five which are directly in front of it. The JP wiki map also mentions this albeit vaguely. Currently there is no actual evidence of which eye(s) spawn this statue, so logic would dictate it is likely two or more eyes that trigger it.