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Dynamis: Spawned Monster Logic #5699

Open DeuceFFXI opened 11 months ago

DeuceFFXI commented 11 months ago



Currently on Eden the logic used by mobs spawned from Statues or Eyes is inaccurate to their behavior in era. At the moment, spawned monsters become active and aggressive far too quickly. In addition, from watching various videos of era Dynamis, monsters seem to be bound in place for a brief time even after having aggroed onto a player. Monsters still seem to be able to turn towards their target while in this bound state.

Some examples can be found here, ~5:43 of this video, as well as at various points in this video.

Even when the player in this video is right next to a spawned monster the monster does not attack. It does move; however, I believe this movement is the result of collision logic forcing the orc to move due to the statue already occupying that space.

This video of adds spawning from the San d'Oria boss is another example of this behavior. It takes a considerable amount of time for these mobs to become aggressive. I believe this is for two reasons, one, the mobs are inactive and unable to aggro before the player is out of their sight/sound range. Second, the boss statue is out of the line of sight of all mobs until it moves in front of one of the Orc NMs.

Here's another example showing a few pulls. From the timestamp we can see an Orc spawn from a statue and not move for at least two seconds after fully spawning in.

One final example of this behavior can be seen here.

This screenshot also highlights this behavior. It can be readily seen that the eye has begun moving, but it's spawns remain facing forward indicating they have not yet become aggressive. mobAggroLinkDelayProof

Part of this behavior is that there may be a sort of getTarget command for the mobs spawned from a statue. I believe this already occurs on Eden, however, when compared with retail footage it seems the mobs don't do this until after a small delay.