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Jug pet Ready moves that scale to TP in recent patch do 0 Damage #5705

Closed Smalfio closed 11 months ago

Smalfio commented 11 months ago



Using Sabre Siravarde jug pet claw cyclone ready move does 0 damage with 0 TP and also with 1k tp and 3k tp. I used it on multiple mobs much lower lvl than the tiger

Alfio_2023 08 07_095202

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Smalfio commented 11 months ago

Antlion Familiar, LifedrinkerLars, shellbusterorob ready moves are doing damage Humunculus "head butt" is doing 0 dmg FunguarFamiliar "spore", "Queasyshroom", "numbshroom", "shakeshroom" are doing 0 damage Keenearedsteffi "dust cloud" is doing 0 damage

59blargedy commented 11 months ago

can you check again? made some live changes (thanks and sorry)

Smalfio commented 11 months ago

they seem to work now, thank you!

59blargedy commented 11 months ago

sweet, closing this out.