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Arrapago Remnants floor 2 QQ astrologer path's and warps #5710

Open Maesedanielot opened 11 months ago

Maesedanielot commented 11 months ago



Maesedanielot commented 11 months ago


A [Qiqirn Astrologer will be in 1 of the 4 hallways leading to the center portal after opening the door. Once aggroed, the Qiqirn Astrologer]will cast a spell, and then, if players are too close or too far, run a few steps towards the portal in the center room, then repeat. Sometimes it uses Faze instead of casting a spell. After a certain amount of time, the [Qiqirn Astrologer)will use Warp. There appear to be no particular determinant for when it will warp except that it needs to have reached the center teleporter and have a target in range.


[Qiqirn Astrologer] BLM NM with ~6k HP, aggro sight. If meleed, he runs away, then stops periodically to use a WS and cast another spell, gradually making his way up onto the teleporter to the next level and eventually warping out. Saving TP helps to defeat him in time. If the player with hate runs out of casting range, he will follow rather than move toward the teleporter, which makes soloing him with DoT possible. Sometimes he will move to teleporter and warps away, even if you are out of range. Immune to [Bind.

I can confirm all this info is true by the experience i had in retail era. Used to duo this area on 75era days to try farm machats coat and deimon's curaiss.

The version that i've seen on eden, didnt try to come back to nuke us back or stopped for a single second, he started his way up to the teleport while our team was pulling far away down stairs to make him come back to nuke us back. The fight went this way: We buffed up, we put invisible on samurai relic gk, he started fight when astrologer was down stairs and opened with a kaiten that did 12% of hp --> The nm started to use T4 Spell and automatically run till warp after the spell, i told everyone to go downstairs so the enemie wont work becusae will come back to main hate person. The nm didnt even try to do any action on the main hate target, just went up and warp.

Mozzy4Ever commented 9 months ago

To further add to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbO8cqATGzk This video shows several things regarding Astrologer's mechanics: You're supposed to be able to "pull" the Astrologer away prior to it's running phase. Currently on Eden it will just pause/run all the way to it's respective portal, even if you keep it at 100% and go away from portal while not losing aggro and staying at 20-30' The threshhold for run phase seems to be 95-98%. Seemed to enter it at 96%, then healed to 99% via Drain and exited run phase until it was lowered under 99 again. Has a very low magic cooldown. The timing between casting finished (based on AView) and next cast started averages to 10.6s. Most of the time it will cast every other time it pauses. @ 3:13 it casts Water 4 and is pushed into run phase. It pauses 2 times and on the 3rd casts Flare. Pauses once after, and on 2nd time it casts Blaze Spikes. The next set is odd because it then pauses 3 times before casting Choke on the 4th. I want to say this may have something to do with KO being too far away for one of the pause to "count"? But I'm not sure.

https://youtu.be/IsRyVmKI5F4?si=mTr9fV_OpgQMTDfD&t=694 shows Astrologer engaged @ 11:37, gets to teleporter @ 12:16 and starts it's "teleport phase" (note how it rotated twice towards KO. One for it's "pause" and again because it reached the center), but KO still is able to kill it 59 seconds later (13:15) without it warping. The previous video had it warp 17 seconds after getting to the circle and doing it's weird rotate. Maybe getting to the portal at higher HP = more time before warp? Or less time engaged = more time before warp? JPWiki and Wikiwiki both mention a 60s timer from start of battle before it warps, but that doesn't seem to be the whole story

There's also this post on BG about how whether he runs to or from you is entirely based on what distance you are from him, which makes sense since we know getting too close to him forces him to run from you. Would make sense that being a specific distance away from him would then cause him to run towards you instead. This post mentions that it's only the highest enmity person that the Astrologer checks distance for, not everyone like Eden currently has. This thread has some interesting soloing notes. Most notably that the Astrologer has limited MP and if it gets back to the teleporter while out of MP, it simply can't warp. These two posts also mention that running is based on highest enmity player, not everybody. This thread has a bunch of compiled information on both QQTH and QQA. Some of it is from threads linked above, some is extra. For QQA specifically, everything points to you have to be less than a certain distance for him to follow you, but also greater than a certain distance.

Based on KO's kiting video I believe the range should be >13 and <30, maybe even <28 since that's spellcast finish range for mobs?