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Treasure Hunter Mechanics #5734

Open Falaras opened 10 months ago

Falaras commented 10 months ago

According to Knowone on the Eden Discord Treasure Hunter is currently based on an "enmity" system where it is applied or removed based on if the Thf has enmity on the mob at the time of it dying. The debuff/aggressive action Treasure Hunter system has been long considered to be how TH actually works, and not enmity.

The current understanding of Treasure Hunter is that it acts as a debuff on the mob, that is completely independent of the Thfs enmity and only based on aggressive actions. On the talk page for TH we can see a test done last year by Lusiphur showing that a Thf can tag, clear enmity with hide, then warp out of the zone entirely, and the mob stays tagged with TH by checking with Bounty Shot on retail. The Thf can leave, die, or do just about anything and TH will still continue to be applied unless the mob deaggros.
