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Salvage: Artificial Gravity damage #5741

Open Mozzy4Ever opened 10 months ago

Mozzy4Ever commented 10 months ago



/ver 30181205_0

Artificial Gravity from gears (noteable in Salvage) is doing too much damage.

Examples: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm4837225 MNK/NIN from a single gear with Shell 5 took 135 damage.

Sadly not enough samples that I could find to rule out resist, however https://ffxiclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Gears?so=search says that Artificial Gravity does "AoE dmg (150-200)".

Currently on Eden we're taking upwards of 300-360 with Shell 4. Of note is that JP wiki implies it's a "strength of enfeebles varies with mob status" type of move: https://wiki.ffo.jp/html/24806.html "The movement speed reduction caused by gravity is strengthened in proportion to the number of gears , and when you have 3, even if you try to run, the effect will be so strong that your speed will drop below walking speed."

DeuceFFXI commented 8 months ago

I'm probably a few days away from having a decently geared 75RDM on retail if someone on Asura wants to carry me through Salvage in order to get some more damage values and other data from this move.