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Salvage - Arrapago Remnants: Armoury Crates #5802

Open DeuceFFXI opened 11 months ago

DeuceFFXI commented 11 months ago





This bug report concerns the Armoury Crates in Arrapago Remnants ONLY. All conclusions are based upon examining data compiled from opening over 800 Armoury Crates. These crates were all opened on retail FFXI within the last two months from more than 25 runs of Arrapago Remnants. Several key differences between Eden's current implementation and this data have been found.

Key differences between Eden and Retail

  1. Several mobs are spawning chests that should not.
  2. Higher quantity of items are too common, i.e. 2, 3, 4, etc.
  3. How many individual items appear in each crate is dependent on the type of mob that spawned it.
  4. Some items that should appear in some crates do not.
  5. Assassin's Drink should not appear at all in Arrapago.
  6. Some Armoury Crates (IDs) are reserved by specific mobs on each floor.

This bug report will be organized into several sections. First, the question of what mobs can spawn crates will be answered. Second, items that need to be added will be mentioned. Third, how many different items can each mob have in their crate? Also, what items generally appear and in what quanity? These can all differ significantly between mobs. Finally, what are the spawn rates of specific crates by floor?

Section 1: Which Mobs Spawn Armoury Crates in Arrapago Remnants?

Mobs which CAN

Mobs which DO NOT

Section 2: Missing Items

  1. Revitalizer, resets all abilities.
  2. Demoralizer, reduces mob TP by 300?

Both of these items are rare and only seem to appear in the crates spawned by the following:

It's possible that the Psycheflayer NM can have either of these items in its crate as well. Importantly, neither of these items have appeared in quantities greater than one in Arrapago so far. This may need to be changed in the future.

Lastly, Assassin's Drink does not appear once in the data for all of Arrapago Remnants.

Section 3: Items per Mob

This section is broken down alphabetically by mob. Each section for a specific mob will first mention how many individual items can appear in their crates and at what rates those items may appear. In addition, what items appear in these "slots" can vary, which will be mentioned. For instance, some "slots" may only be one type of item.

These numbers are based on varying amounts of data and some assumptions may have to be made until a time when more data is available.

Archaic Chariot

Number of Slots, Up to EIGHT different items in Crate

  1. 100%
  2. 100%
  3. 100%
  4. 100%
  5. 90%
  6. 79%
  7. 31%
  8. 10%

In addition, the following seems to be rules that govern the items in the crate:

Archaic Gear

Numbers of Slots

  1. 100%
  2. ~83.5%

Archaic Gears

Number of Slots

  1. 100%
  2. 76.3%

Archaic Rampart

Number of Slots

  1. 100%
  2. 100%

Demonic Rose

Number of Slots

  1. 100%
  2. 100%
  3. 100%
  4. ~44%, limited data, likely 50%

Number of Items (more data needed)

  1. 75%
  2. 23%
  3. 3%, likely higher

Deviate Bhoot

Number of Slots

  1. 100%
  2. ~93%
  3. ~54%, likely 50%

Number of items per slot appears as follows:

  1. ~66%
  2. ~7%
  3. ~10%
  4. ~7%
  5. ~10%

The first slot is always one item.

Lamia and Merrow

The Quantity of items in a slot appears as follows:

  1. ~60%
  2. ~11%
  3. ~13%
  4. ~11%
  5. ~5%

Simply, one of an item is quite common; however, five of an item is rare.


Number of Slots

  1. 100%
  2. 100%
  3. 100%
  4. 54.5%, limited data, likely 50%


Number of Slots

  1. 100%
  2. ~93%
  3. ~48%, likely 50%

The first slot is always one item.

For the other slots number of items per slot appears as follows:

  1. ~64%
  2. ~14%
  3. ~20%
  4. ~2%
  5. 0%

Qiqirn Astrologer

Number of Slots

  1. 100%
  2. 100%
  3. 100%
  4. 98%
  5. 70%

Qiqirn Treasure Hunter

Number of Slots

  1. 100%
  2. 100%
  3. 100%
  4. 87%

Sabotender Maestro

Number of Slots

  1. 100%, 1-8 (possibly 10?) items

So far, only the following have been seen:

Based upon these items, my assumption is only HP/MP related items excluding boosts and powders appear in the crate spawned by the Sabotender.

Section 4: Armoury Crates IDs by Floor

Each floor has its own subsection. Armoury Crates are listed by the last three numbers of their ID in descending order. All relevant IDs begin with 17080-; for example, 17080586 would be one Amoury Crate.

First Floor

Second Floor

3rd Floor

Only one crate is reserved on this floor.

4th Floor

5th Floor

6th Floor


In summary, there is a lot of nuance with how armoury crates work in Arrapago Remnants. Based on my observations, it's probably the most complex zone for them in Salvage. For instance, many of the crates in Zhayolm are relatively static in that they always spawn from the same mobs, and contain specific items in many cases. On the other hand, Arrapago seems to include a lot of RNG. Due to this, in the future some of the values for spawn rates above may need to be adjusted if more data becomes available.

Also, Revitalizer and Demoralizer are quite rare from the NM crates, appearing approximately 2% of the time in total. So far, it doesn't seem likely for either of these items to appear in any of the crates spawned by non-NMs in Arrapago. Neither item appears in amounts greater than one. This is in contrast to Bhaflau Remnants where Revitalizer can be found in crates from Archaic Gear on the fourth floor in amounts higher than one. Similar bug reports will be made for the other zones separately. Fortunately, they should be less complex.

Lastly, many of the percentages may need to be adjusted to better match typical fractions that SE used for drop rates.

59blargedy commented 10 months ago

mobs that drop as well as rates of chest dropping have been resolved in November 19, 2023 update.