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Cythara Anglica +1 not extending duration of Virelai #5832

Open ekoya opened 6 months ago

ekoya commented 6 months ago



version 30181205_0

Virelai has a base duration of 30 seconds. Currently, casting Virelai with Cythara Anglica +1, which has +2 Virelai, results in a 30 second duration: image

Bard songs should get an extra +10% duration per bonus to the song, so in this case it should gain an extra 6 seconds going up to 36 seconds: https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Maiden%27s_Virelai https://ffxiclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Maiden's_Virelai

Wiki backdated to 2008 claims that Cythara Anglica +1 extends duration by 10 seconds, but I am assuming that was an approximation since every other song works as described above: https://ffxiclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Maiden%27s_Virelai?oldid=776461

I do not know if NQ or gjallarhorn work correctly.