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Potential Marduk's Jubbah Set Fast Cast Discrepancy #5846

Open Avarghaladion opened 7 months ago

Avarghaladion commented 7 months ago



version 30181205_0

Comments from closer to era on the Talk page of the Wiki for Jubbah set indicate the 5% from Jubbah and the 10% set bonus are separate/stacking, suggesting total fast cast should be 15% cast time reduction and 7.5% recast reduction. However, this is contradicted by current BG which indicates a 5% bonus for the body and an additional 5% for the whole set. Classic Wiki currently indicates 4% for the body, for which I can find no historical basis and appears to be incorrect.

Here are some cast examples using Curaga IV as an example to compare several casts with just full Jubbah set, just Cure Clogs, and naked. Test done with Ashitacast unloaded and with no traited/merited cast time reductions.


Jubbah set casts goes off in the high 60s to mid 70s while Cure Clogs casts go off in the mid to high 60s.

There appears to be ~6% discrepancy between Jubbah set and Cure clogs on Eden in this test. If the historical wiki comments are correct, there should be no difference in cast time between Jubbah set and Cure Clogs on a Cure/Curaga cast. At worst, if the set bonus is in fact supposed to be only 5% and not 10%, there should no more than a 5% discrepancy. I don't have the Jubbah set on retail to test. Posting this in the event an audit on the body's/set's Fast Cast is needed.

Steam-arch commented 7 months ago

Random wiki comments are usually boloney.

The 4% mentions at certain places (atleast 2009 JP wiki, later it was changed to 5%), was possibly a guess based on the Kirchys Fast Cast Recast increment tests where the Marduk jubbah was narrowed down to 20/1024 (1.95%), which would place the the Fast Cast of marduk Jubbah closer to 4% than 5%. JP wiki changed it later to 5% instead of 4%

Body + set bonus is most likely: FC 5% + 5% CDR 2,5% + 2,5% or FC 4,8828% (50/1024) + 4,8828% (50/1024) CDR 1,953% (20/1024) + 1,953% (20/1024) or FC 5% + 5% CDR 1,953% (20/1024) + 1,953% (20/1024)

The CDRs decimal value has been tested. Placing FC at 4,88% is just going off your generic walahra turban haste decimal value as its also 5% or 50/1024. Eden doesnt follow decimal values currently.

How Fast cast Affects CDR test here :https://www.bluegartr.com/threads/61643-Fast-Cast-and-other-haste-stuff). But for recasts reduction, 5% Fast Cast bodies seem to give a 20/1024 recast reduction (another kirchy mention here a few years later: https://www.bluegartr.com/threads/94856-ACP-Body-quot-Fast-Cast-quot-Hidden-Effect).

Some more ancient internet comments on the 5% +5% body + set bonus:

heres a pretty decent forum post of a jubbah body test with raise weakness timer image source: https://www.bluegartr.com/threads/56778-Marduk-Set-best-for-which-job/page2 This only really supports the 20/1024 Recast reduction though.

current JP wiki marks it at body 5% +5% set image

2009 JP wiki suggests its 4% but the wiki pages was later edited to 5% image

Enclopedia/allakhazam pages say the same: image

Ares, Skadi, Morrigan salvage set bonuses are all a seperate 5/+5%, so is most likely jubbah.

No comments on discrepancy.

Steam-arch commented 7 months ago

Hmmmmmm this one (current jp wiki, https://wiki.ffo.jp/html/8728.html) says. 4% + 6% instead of 5 + 5, but no source mention. the other Jubbah JP wiki pages seem to say 5 for body though, and with other sets being +5 for the setbonus it seems unlikely that its 4 + 6. image
