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Crimson Jelly description listing food effect as -INT instead of +INT #5877

Open AshleyAwakens opened 3 weeks ago

AshleyAwakens commented 3 weeks ago



The current DAT file of Serving of Crimson Jelly shows that its food effect is INT-6 (image 1), while the oldest pages of both the FFXIclopedia and BGwiki show that Crimson Jelly has INT+6 in its description. Additionally, the Eden website shows that Crimson Jelly has the INT-6 effect as well (image 2). My in-game screenshot was taken with the most up-to-date Eden DATs, zero files loaded through Pivot, and my /ver is 30181205_0. I will do testing later (aka when I can use the food without wasting it) to see if the INT-6 is just a visual typo or if that is in the actual food effect as well. This issue has been reported in the past (5 years ago) and closed without change, but hopefully this could be changed now that more accessible DAT editing programs exist.

Image 1) In-game description of Crimson Jelly image

Image 2) Eden website description of Crimson Jelly image

ProtomanEXE commented 3 weeks ago

So fun fact. That is actually an error square enix did. On the Japanese dat It is correct but not on the English one. So this is era accurate lol ( But yes, it gives you plus intelligence as intended (

KnowOne134 commented 3 weeks ago

Actually era accurate would list no stats at all, and wiki look up or try and find out

ProtomanEXE commented 3 weeks ago

My apologies. I meant to say to the client. Yeah, this era of the game was very " mysterious" with food.