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Clusters in Tav Self Destruct #5992

Open Slamm21 opened 1 day ago

Slamm21 commented 1 day ago



Tav bombs are doing significantly more damage when 1 blows up than when all 3 do, this must be because of this. image

Assuming the bomb is at 19% hp, the lowest both can happen. All 3 bombs blowing up will do it's current hp so 19% of max yet 1 bomb blowing up will do 33% of it's max, this should be current hp not max

All 3 blowing up is meant to be the real dangerous one, or 1 blowing up at higher hp like 49%

From checking ready time before, it should be 2 seconds before they explode, but on Eden it seems to be instant? You cannot stun it unless you just stun before any animation and hope it tries to use it before stun hits

Avarghaladion commented 1 day ago

Last time we did them, damage distribution felt wrong as well. One player would generally eat a ton of damage while the others in range would take virtually none. Eg. In one case, we had capped Shellra V, 100% capped & BiS Barfira, the mob Self Destructed in single-digit HP, and most of the party took negligible damage while I got 1-shot through fresh Stoneskin at full health. Every self destruct we saw that run saw 1-2 players eating an abnormal and disproportionate amount of damage relative to the state of the mob which seemed to ignore all mitigation.

Slamm21 commented 1 day ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQgAsMTnpSM&t=4043s 1 bomb goes out of 3 at 22% and it does 1,761 damage

But this is a level 95 bomb, not a level 78 era one

so it cannot be max hp /3 otherwise the bomb only has 5,283 hp,

it could just be current hp as 1761/0.22 = 8,004hp which sounds about right

are the two the wrong way around, like a typo? single bomb = current hp and triple = max hp/3 instead of what we have listed?

Slamm21 commented 1 day ago

Last time we did them, damage distribution felt wrong as well. One player would generally eat a ton of damage while the others in range would take virtually none. Eg. In one case, we had capped Shellra V, 100% capped & BiS Barfira, the mob Self Destructed in single-digit HP, and most of the party took negligible damage while I got 1-shot through fresh Stoneskin at full health. Every self destruct we saw that run saw 1-2 players eating an abnormal and disproportionate amount of damage relative to the state of the mob which seemed to ignore all mitigation.

this part is honestly normal you can resist 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16

so someone unlucky who does not resist is going to get hurt, especially if all 3 blow up.

Avarghaladion commented 1 day ago

Last time we did them, damage distribution felt wrong as well. One player would generally eat a ton of damage while the others in range would take virtually none. Eg. In one case, we had capped Shellra V, 100% capped & BiS Barfira, the mob Self Destructed in single-digit HP, and most of the party took negligible damage while I got 1-shot through fresh Stoneskin at full health. Every self destruct we saw that run saw 1-2 players eating an abnormal and disproportionate amount of damage relative to the state of the mob which seemed to ignore all mitigation.

this part is honestly normal you can resist 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16

so someone unlucky who does not resist is going to get hurt, especially if all 3 blow up.

To clarify, in that example it was only the single/last bomb remaining in the cluster and the mob was in single digit HP, so doing 2k+ damage pre-mitigation shouldn't have been possible.

Edit: Had ~1123hp + 350SS w -27.4% mdmg and 31MDB when it went off, before even factoring 126 fire resist. Edit 2: Unless my math is wrong, I believe a killshot would be >3500 raw damage, which to me suggests it may have been taking the "hpp" of the single/final bomb and multiplying that by the max hp of the entire cluster, then factoring ftp. Also of note, this only started happening after the resistance adjustment patch. Pre patch, and in era, I was never concerned with SD on these.