Edenik / InstaDart-Flutter-Instagram-Clone

Instagram Clone App Using - Dart, Flutter, Firebase
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Getting error on kAdminUId and GiphyApiKey #2

Closed swaraj961 closed 3 years ago

swaraj961 commented 3 years ago

Hi man your project looks super awesome I was testing it on local but I'm facing some issues while locally running it can you help me resolve my issues.

Thanks, regards swaraj

Edenik commented 3 years ago

You should add a constants file with: kAdminUid - The User ID of the admin, GiphyApiKey - u should get a giphy developer api key and use it

swaraj961 commented 3 years ago

You should add a constants file with: kAdminUid - The User ID of the admin, GiphyApiKey - u should get a giphy developer api key and use it

Yup i did that after i go through the code i got it, Also love your app, i wish if you could upload a tutorial on this anyway great work 🙌🏻🔥

EjazAmir commented 3 years ago

kAdminUid what exactly it is? Can you bit explain about this.

Edenik commented 3 years ago

kAdminUid what exactly it is? Can you bit explain about this.

kAdminUid - The User ID of the admin, GiphyApiKey - u should get a giphy developer api key and use it

jonnaah commented 3 years ago

kAdminUid what exactly it is? Can you bit explain about this.

kAdminUid - The User ID of the admin, GiphyApiKey - u should get a giphy developer api key and use it

Hi, where can I get the admin ID?

Edenik commented 3 years ago

kAdminUid what exactly it is? Can you bit explain about this.

kAdminUid - The User ID of the admin, GiphyApiKey - u should get a giphy developer api key and use it

Hi, where can I get the admin ID?

Admin ID is the ID of your user.

jonnaah commented 3 years ago

kAdminUid what exactly it is? Can you bit explain about this.

kAdminUid - The User ID of the admin, GiphyApiKey - u should get a giphy developer api key and use it

Hi, where can I get the admin ID?

Admin ID is the ID of your user.

How I type the id and is it "@username" or "username". Do I have to replace "kAdminUid" or write my username after the AdminUid with "="?

Edenik commented 3 years ago

kAdminUid what exactly it is? Can you bit explain about this.

kAdminUid - The User ID of the admin, GiphyApiKey - u should get a giphy developer api key and use it

Hi, where can I get the admin ID?

Admin ID is the ID of your user.

How I type the id and is it "@username" or "username". Do I have to replace "kAdminUid" or write my username after the AdminUid with "="?

You should create 2 constants - const kAdminUId = 'the user id of the first user / admin user'; const kGiphyApiKey = 'giphy api key';

FasihCodes commented 1 year ago

I am getting error on package called "instagram/utilities/repo_const.dart" and i don't know why and secondly the error on "kAdminUId". Please help me in solving these errors. I will be very thankful and tell me what to put in "kAdminUId".