EdgeApp / airbitz-android-gui

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All of Funds Sent to Mining Fee instead of Receipient for < 1 mBTC #3

Open kristovatlas opened 9 years ago

kristovatlas commented 9 years ago

Odd bug as I was playing with the app.

I was testing the send function. I scanned in a QR code for the receiving address, and tried to select a small value to send, something like 0.001 mBTC. The app rejected it and said I had to send at least $0.01. I selected the fiat amount field, and changed the dollar amount to $0.01. The app rejected this as well -- it was not quite as much as it expected due to a rounding error, and the app specified exactly how many mBTC had to be sent that was also equivalent to $0.01. After selecting the mBTC field, I changed it to that value, and sent.

The app took the full amount that I sent and committed that as a mining fee, and sent nothing to the original address I scanned in.

I expected it to send the small amount to my intended recipient address, and then also deduct from the account an appropriate mining fee.

For additional details, please email me with a PGP public key.

swansontec commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the bug report. We have code that trims any output less than the dust threshold, and it sounds like you are hitting that. The GUI is supposed to reject spend attempts less than this amount, but maybe we have a < where we need to have a <=.

swansontec commented 9 years ago

This is fixed in our core, so we will no longer have the problem in the upcoming version of our app. We transliterated two characters, so the GUI would let you send 0.0534 mBTC, but the core would trim dust below 0.0543 mBTC.