EdgeLab-FHDO / Edge-Diagnostic-Platform

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App V1 (Latency Measurement) #95

Closed juan-castrillon closed 3 years ago

juan-castrillon commented 3 years ago

Develop an application that can generate a syntetic load on an infrastructure and generate measurements on the impact of this load on latency.

The applications has a client and a server side.

It may be based on the existing Aruco marker detection application. The application should be able to control parameters like frame rate or size to influence computational and network loads. The type of load may also be subject to change (TDP or UDP for example).< a

It should work in an active way, meaning it does the load process step-wise. (Starting for example with pinging, then sending load)

The times should be logged in different operations to determine latency.

Communication between the application and the platform should be done via REST. The application may also use different platform modules like Scenarios, AdvantEdge and NodeLimit to perform the load.

Finally, latency measurements should initally be outputted to a file to be processed in an offline way.