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FrSky ARCHER PLUS R10+ and SR10+ receiver support #3188

Closed kochpet closed 11 months ago

kochpet commented 1 year ago

Is there an existing issue for this feature request?

Is your feature request related to a problem?

The Frsky R10+ receivers have 10 configurable channel ports, each channel port can be assigned as PWM, SBUS, FBUS, or S.Port. At the moment you can only change the channel mapping for the 10 ports.

Describe the solution you'd like

The possibility to configure all channel ports also to PWM, SBUS, FBUS, or S.Port.

Describe alternatives you've considered

No response

Additional context

No response

raphaelcoeffic commented 1 year ago

To be able to implement this, we will need some information on how is this done. At the very least we need a trace of the packets exchanged during this configuration between radio and module.

Last time I asked if anyone would be ready to do this kind of things and maintain the FrSky protocols, nobody showed up.

This probably means we won’t be able to support this hardware, as we’re not receiving any information from the vendor.

kochpet commented 1 year ago

Hi Raphael, thanks for your reply. At the moment you can only configure the ports of the Archer Plus series with ETHOS to PWM, SBUS, FBUS, or S.Port, for this I flashed one of my transmitters to ETHOS.

The reconfiguration of the ports as well as changing the chanel mappings happens with a bound RX under options. I would like to support you in the implementation if you tell me how I can help you! Attached two screenshots from Ethos. screenshot-2023-02-14-58411 screenshot-2023-02-14-58373

raphaelcoeffic commented 1 year ago

@kochpet what we need are the data exchanged between the radio software and the RF module. This means using a logic analyser with probes on the serial lines between the RF module and the main MCU in your radio.

Other vendors just document their communication protocol so that we "just" have to implement it. This requires to reverse-engineer the protocol itself, whereby we already have a good part of it (from the time FrSky was communicating some details to the OpenTx team), but we need the new parts now.

kochpet commented 1 year ago

@raphaelcoeffic Ok, just to clarify my background. I'm an IT consultant and I work for a company that develops and builds electronic devices. It should be possible that I can provide you with this data. Can you tell me where exactly I have to attach the logical analyzer. I would use a Frsky X10S ETHOS with an internal ISRM module for this.

raphaelcoeffic commented 1 year ago

@rotorman can you please help this gentlemen with the pinout of the internal module connector? It is the same as on the TX16S.

raphaelcoeffic commented 1 year ago

Once the packages have been monitored, the single packet payload need to be exported and analysed. I usually write python scripts to do that. Otherwise it's quite hard to find the exact packet or sequence of packets you are looking for.

rotorman commented 1 year ago

Here a pinout of the TX16S 12-pin RF module connector: grafik grafik

@kochpet Would you happen to have a Saleae logic analyzer? Tapping the internal module RX and TX pins would reveal it's secrets. Alternatively you could use two 3.3V logic level FTDI adapters, one for TX and one for RX line, but logic analyzer is better, as it shows combined timing of the RX and TX lines better.

raphaelcoeffic commented 1 year ago

You are looking for a "normal" async serial (8N1) with a baud rate of 450.000.

This is the code for the current receiver settings as we know it: https://github.com/EdgeTX/edgetx/blob/5f171560360ab3982724c2ecc6fba3fc6fe30e16/radio/src/pulses/pxx2.cpp#L397-L419

kochpet commented 1 year ago

@rotorman on the X10S IXJT motherboard is a 13pin Molex and not a 12pin like at your photo. Do you have a pinout for that too? 20230214_201221

kochpet commented 1 year ago

@rotorman Don't worry already found it Unbenanntes Bild

kochpet commented 1 year ago

@raphaelcoeffic Ok, I'll get the Logical Analyzer on Monday, then we'll see. In the meantime, a possibly stupid question. As I can see at the code you know how to switch the separate port for SBus, Fport......etc on existing receivers. Since the R10Plus registers and binds perfectly and the port mapping also works perfectly, the receiver can also be switched to 7ms PWM mode and telemetry can be disabled, it would not be possible for the reconfiguration of the ports to work with the existing code? screen-2023-02-13-222318 screen-2023-02-16-070547

raphaelcoeffic commented 1 year ago

It‘s hard to guess, I don’t have the hardware, so I cannot test, and it feels weird to make blind changes. Let‘s see what traces show first.

kochpet commented 1 year ago

@raphaelcoeffic Can you please check the Saleae logic file, I think this is one of the sequences we are looking for.

Pin1toFBUS Pin1toFBUS.zip

kochpet commented 1 year ago

@raphaelcoeffic did you find time to check the Saleae logic file?

raphaelcoeffic commented 1 year ago

@kochpet it seems your ZIP file has only the picture, right? Is there any way I can have the full Logic2 trace file? I need to see the traffic around it as well (request + replies, etc).

kochpet commented 1 year ago

@raphaelcoeffic Sorry, I zipped the wrong file, here are all the .sal of the various switching processes. Analyzer.zip

raphaelcoeffic commented 1 year ago

@kochpet did you actually have "Telemetry disabled" activated? It seems bit 7 is always set in your traces, which seems odd.


kochpet commented 1 year ago

@raphaelcoeffic Yes telemetry was disabled

kochpet commented 1 year ago

@raphaelcoeffic 10 Configurable Channel Ports CP1: PWM / SBUS Out / FBUS / S.Port / SBUS In CP2-10: PWM / SBUS Out / FBUS / S.Port

raphaelcoeffic commented 1 year ago

@kochpet it seems we're missing the capability frames in the trace. You should be able to see at some point (possibly when opening the receiver options?) a frame coming from the module starting with 0x7E [size] 0x01 0x06.

kochpet commented 1 year ago

@raphaelcoeffic let me check, I make a new trace

kochpet commented 1 year ago

@raphaelcoeffic this is the trace when i open the OPTIONS menu


raphaelcoeffic commented 1 year ago

The receiver sends 0x70 as its capabilities, so basically bits 4, 5 and 6 are set (0111 0000). Bit 4 is supposed to be "Racing mode" (do you even see the option in the menu?), but we don't know what bits 5 and 6 mean.

enum ReceiverCapabilities {
  RECEIVER_CAPABILITY_FPORT,                          // bit 0
  RECEIVER_CAPABILITY_RACING_MODE,                    // bit 4
  // missing bit 5
  // missing bit 6

We would probably need to see what other receivers will reply, and see what the difference is in terms of supported features.

kochpet commented 1 year ago

This is the caprure for the High PWM Speed ​​mode High PWM Speed.zip

kochpet commented 1 year ago

@raphaelcoeffic Would it be possible that bit 5 and 6 is responsible for switching from SBUS-16 to SBUS-24, you have the trace for it SBUS16-24.sal

raphaelcoeffic commented 1 year ago

Capabilities and settings are 2 different things! It is not the same bitfield. But yes, the Receiver settings frame, bit 5 is definitely used to switch SBUS to 24CH channel mode. However, only one bit is required, and there is no relation between settings and capabilities, they don't use the same bits and the frames are different.

raphaelcoeffic commented 1 year ago

Fast PWM was already know and AFAIK already supported. These are the known settings bits (general, not per channel):

#define PXX2_RX_SETTINGS_FLAG1_READONLY            (1 << 6)
#define PXX2 RX_SETTINGS_FLAG1_SBUS_24CH           (1 << 5) // new
#define PXX2_RX_SETTINGS_FLAG1_FASTPWM             (1 << 4)
#define PXX2_RX_SETTINGS_FLAG1_FPORT               (1 << 3)
#define PXX2_RX_SETTINGS_FLAG1_TELEMETRY_25MW      (1 << 2)
#define PXX2_RX_SETTINGS_FLAG1_FPORT2              (1 << 0)

For the channel output, special values in the output mapping array are used. So far I noted from your traces:

        // (1 << 5) SBUS in  (0x20)
        // (1 << 6) S.PORT   (0x40)
        // (1 << 7) SBUS out (0x80)
        // SPORT | SBUS out  (0xC0)

Please note that values up to 23 are reserved for normal channel mapping.

Possibly, the capability bits are mapped to these 2 features. The question is: which is which? So we'd need to have a receiver that has only one of the afore mentioned capabilities, so we can determine which is which. Or we can try a blind guess based on the "historical" context (which feature appeared first), but development and shipping are 2 different things, the order could be reversed.

kochpet commented 1 year ago

Ok, how can we continue, try and error?

raphaelcoeffic commented 1 year ago

Looking at the tandem receivers, it seems SBUS 24CH is a newer feature, so I would assume this is missing bit 6, while the "Configurable Channel Ports" (PWM / SBUS Out / FBUS / S.Port) would be missing bit 5.

kochpet commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, I can't test this with a tandem receiver because I only have an X10S Express transmitter. But we wouldn't need tandem receivers for EdgeTX anyway!

raphaelcoeffic commented 1 year ago

Also, we should note the following receiver IDs / names:

0x40    "SR10 Plus"
0x41    "R10 Plus"
kochpet commented 1 year ago

@raphaelcoeffic Do you think that you can compile a test version for a TX16S with the current level of knowledge?

raphaelcoeffic commented 1 year ago

Should be ok. I’ll have something in the next days.

raphaelcoeffic commented 1 year ago

@kochpet I'm still missing an answer to this question: can you have multiple SPORT pins? (same for SBUS in/out). Meaning: once you have configured for example "S.PORT" output for pin 1, can you select "S.PORT" output also for another pin? (same question for SBUS/FBUS). This is quite important for the UI.

kochpet commented 1 year ago

@raphaelcoeffic Yes, you can configure multiple ports, see screenshot. But only Pin1 can also be configured as SBUS In. Pin1: PWM / SBUS Out / FBUS / S.Port / SBUS In Pin2-10: PWM / SBUS Out / FBUS / S.Port screenshot-2023-02-23-42034

raphaelcoeffic commented 1 year ago

Ok, then it's the way I implemented it in #3249.

kochpet commented 1 year ago

@raphaelcoeffic Hi Raphael, can you compile a test version for my TX16S. Would like to test whether all the functions really work now.

pfeerick commented 1 year ago

To access the automatic builds for a PR, first open up the PR page. Under the PR title, you should see a series of tabs (Comments, Commits, Checks, Files Changed). Click on the Checks tab. Then if you are after the radio firmware, click on the link on the left side mentioning firmware. If you want a Companion/Simulator build, pick the one that suits your operating system. Then, under the 'Artifacts' heading will be a link to the zip file containing either the firmware or companion package.

i.e. the PR is mentioned above, as well as at the top of the page, as being #3249, and the latest build run for that is https://github.com/EdgeTX/edgetx/actions/runs/4251600010

However, I will probably need to trigger a new run as that build is about to expire.

It would be great if you can give it a try, and let us know what the status of this now, so that it has had some real-life testing ;)

kochpet commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have now tested the new functions for the Archer R10+ with the firmware tx16s-e50d024 and unfortunately have to report that switching the ports does not work at all. Also, the current port status is not displayed in the options screen. I tested with an Xact servo and a FLVS, as soon as the port is reconfigured it's like dead, it doesn't matter whether the port is configured as SPort, Sbus or Fport. If the port is reconfigured back to PWM, it will work normally again. screen-2023-03-08-212849

kochpet commented 1 year ago

@pfeerick Will further actions follow in this regard and do you need any information from me.

pfeerick commented 1 year ago

Raphael has been tied up with real life for the last two weeks so will probably follow up on this soon to chase up on what's needed if this is still something we can debug blind.

raphaelcoeffic commented 1 year ago

Given the difficulty of doing “remote debugging”, without any possibilities to do any local tests, I think I should order one of these to test myself… that would be another 60-70€ of our donations going to a vendor that does not support us…

kochpet commented 1 year ago

@raphaelcoeffic I have 2 pieces of the R10+ and at the moment the receivers are almost worthless for me as I certainly won't switch to Ethos. If you send me your address I can support you with one of the two R10+. The experience you make with it is certainly also an advantage for the new RB25 etc., as they have a similar principle of port switches.

jogybaer0815 commented 1 year ago

It would be a great achievement if the Archer R10 with its bus system, especially the F.Bus, were supported by EdgeTX. If an Archer R10 is needed to achieve this goal, I would also be happy to donate a receiver. Greetings

DaTwo commented 1 year ago

Is this still being worked on? The R10+ RX sounds perfect for us gasser pilots.

r41065 commented 1 year ago

FrSky introduces a complete Series of Archer Plus and Archer mini Receiver ( RS Mini, RS+, R6+, GR6+, R8+, GR8+, SR8+, SR10+, R10+ , SR12+, R12+, R6mini, R6mini-E, SR6mini, SR6mini-E )

hopefully there will be a solution

pfeerick commented 1 year ago

Real life has intervened, so Raphael hasn't had time to work on this (or much of ETX the last few weeks) ... normal service should resume soon 🤭

kochpet commented 1 year ago

The ACCESS protocol is one of the most advanced protocols on the market. The new Archer Plus series receivers are an essential part and should definitely be integrated into EdgeTX, otherwise EdgeTX will become uninteresting for FrSky users in the future.

gagarinlg commented 1 year ago
  1. FrSky has no interest in EdgeTX, so support for new products might or might not happen
  2. EdgeTX is a hobby for us. Some things are way more important than hobbies. Please be patient.
DRZ400 commented 1 year ago

the sr10+ is supposed to be accst compatible, is anyone has tested it with their new lua ?