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Colorlcd - add `us` as a PPM Unit option #4977

Open pfeerick opened 3 weeks ago

pfeerick commented 3 weeks ago

Is there an existing issue for this feature request?

Is your feature request related to a problem?

In https://github.com/EdgeTX/edgetx/issues/3163, it was noted that -DPPM_UNIT_US did not work on colorlcd, i.e. changing display and inputs from % to us, as well as asking if it could be made so that it was not something required a custom build. https://github.com/EdgeTX/edgetx/pull/3993 addressed the latter point, but the "PPM Units" runtime entry only gives options of 0.0 and 0.-- on colorlcd - which correctly reflects the units supported on the colorlcd UI at present.

Describe the solution you'd like

That a third option be added, which allows for units to be displayed as us where they are currently shown only as %, as well as for relevant edit fields to change from % to us input. i.e. so it matches the B&W level of support.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Digging out my old slide rule

Additional context

No response

sande005 commented 3 weeks ago

FWIW - all three option are available in Companion, and work correctly. But after download to radio (Frsky X10S-E Access) all revert to the default. As noted "us" option is not listed on the radio.

xros commented 1 week ago

same issue on 2.9.4 (self-compiled with -DPPM_UNIT_US) too. v2.10.0 has PPM Unit US option in the radio. Maybe flash it and try.

pfeerick commented 1 week ago

us units was never fully implemented on colorlcd anyway as part of the colorlcd rewrite from opentx 2.4, but https://github.com/EdgeTX/edgetx/pull/4987 for colorlcd side should finally implement that.