EdgeTX / edgetx

EdgeTX is the cutting edge open source firmware for your R/C radio
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Brightness adjustment is disabled in 2.10 RC3 #4979

Open udayan23 opened 3 weeks ago

udayan23 commented 3 weeks ago

Is there an existing issue for this problem?

What part of EdgeTX is the focus of this bug?

Transmitter firmware

Current Behavior

When we set function in 2.9.4 for brightness adjustment on S1 or S2 pot, it is now disabled in 2.10 RC3. It is not there in RC4 also.

Expected Behavior

Please activate the brightness adjustment.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. developer knows the steps


Other (Please specify below)


RadioMaster TX16S / TX16SMK2

Operating System (OS)


OS Version

No response

Anything else?

Rest everything is best.

pfeerick commented 3 weeks ago

Have you gone into the special/general function and enabled it again? If you have just updated from 2.9.x it is probably disabled. There was mention of

When updating, the following special and/or global functions will need to be re-enabled: Instant Trim, BG Music Pause, Vario, Screenshot, Racing Mode, Disable Touch, and Audio Amp Off. cf. https://github.com/EdgeTX/edgetx/pull/4498

in the release notes under "Known Limitations and Issues" but perhaps it extends to Volume and Backlight special functions also. Or might just rephrase that to generally check there if a function has stopped working.

udayan23 commented 3 weeks ago


I have tried all the ways possible. I think it is permanently disabled from the program.


On Tue, 7 May, 2024, 11:26 Peter Feerick, @.***> wrote:

Have you gone into the special/general function and enabled it again? If you have just updated from 2.9.x it is probably disabled. There was mention of

When updating, the following special and/or global functions will need to be re-enabled: Instant Trim, BG Music Pause, Vario, Screenshot, Racing Mode, Disable Touch, and Audio Amp Off. cf. #4498 https://github.com/EdgeTX/edgetx/pull/4498

in the release notes under "Known Limitations and Issues" but perhaps it extends to Volume and Backlight special functions also. Or might just rephrase that to generally check there if a function has stopped working.

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pfeerick commented 3 weeks ago

It is setup something like this, and enabled? image

If you're still having trouble and it is configured properly, can you upload a copy of your RADIO and MODELS folder (as a zip file) - you'll need to upload it on Github as email attachment don't come through.

ParkerEde commented 3 weeks ago

with my two RM TX16S MKII and 2.10 RC3 and RC4 it works exactly as it should with Peter's screenshot.

tommyseus commented 1 week ago

My issue was that the slider for ON was on the lowest value.

Radio Settings - Radio Setup - Backlight