Edgio / php-ectoken

PHP implementation of ectoken
1 stars 3 forks source link

Package availability in packagist.org and release management #4

Open vincentlepot opened 2 years ago

vincentlepot commented 2 years ago

Hello !

I just saw you have deprecated the php extension in favor of the native PHP library.

If so, can you get it released through packagist.org and have release tags so that I can add a requirement in my app's composer.json?

Do you intend to follow semantic versionning?


tinselcity commented 2 years ago

We don't currently have any plans to support the php flavor of ectoken. At this point, it's more of a reference implementation or a guide for someone who'd like to write it themselves. We haven't done much with versioning as there hasn't been any big changes to the code, and there weren't any planned that I was aware of. It's a pretty basic design of an AES-GCM token with an initialization vector prefix. I'm not awesome at php myself, but if others that are better at it have suggestions for improvements, maybe even via PR, we're happy to review.
