Edmaster530 / potential-spoon

Nice Damage - Refreshed
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link

No usage explain in game #1

Closed kaiseryoda closed 8 months ago

kaiseryoda commented 9 months ago

Hey man.

O saw you write some usage explain inside the code, but its not show in game. Can you pls add some explain?

if you want, i wrote some code for lua file.

            confUsage = {
                name = "Usage",
                order = 6,
                type = "group", inline = true,
                args = {
                    confversiondesc = {
                    order = 1,
                    type = "description",
                    name = ""
                        .."After select your preferred font."
                        .."Restart Client for changes to take affect!"
                        .."If Font not work as expect, select other.",
                    cmdHidden = true

Add this after last description. desc1 in "Nice Damage - Refreshed.lua" file

Edmaster530 commented 9 months ago

Hey @kaiseryoda - this is a good point, once I get some time this weekend I will take a look at this and see about getting something into production 👍