Markdown HelperAddOn for Freeplane is a tool to create markdown documents in a Freeplane mindmapping way. The general idea of this AddOn is to insert special nodes in your map that help to translate the information in a mindmap into a Markdown document. You obtain a good looking document retaining the flexibility that offers Freeplane and mindmapping. You can easy reorder and insert new ideas as usual.
Selecting contiguos nodes inserts MDNode as parent
MDH task list: if task node has progress then it adds "(working on it)" and its progress
MDH List: now it understands the use of leaf, ignoreContent and ignoreNode icons
MDH List and tasks lists new logic: if node has a note it takes that string as list item. If not, it takes the node's text followed by its detail (in a new line). But only if MD parameter "ignoreLeafDetails" is set to false