EdsonBueno / infinite_scroll_pagination

Flutter package to help you lazily load and display pages of items as the user scrolls down your screen.
MIT License
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New page error "try again" may fail due to invisibleItemsThreshold #332

Open dbmessina opened 3 weeks ago

dbmessina commented 3 weeks ago

In my app, I was experiencing the behavior of pressing "try again" on a new page error and it would switch to the loading spinner indefinitely as it was never making a new page request. Eventually I found the solution to be lowering my invisibleItemsThreshold which I had set to 10. At least on my device, any value of 8 or less will work. However, I believe this is a bug as I don't understand why a threshold intended for scrolling should have any impact on a manual request.

This can be easily reproduced in the example app by setting a high invisibleItemsThreshold assuming you've replaced the defunct API it uses with something else.