[Web Create] As a content creator, I want to be able to put information on the new section of the new course I'm creating.
[Web Create] As a content creator, I want to be able to put general information on the new courses I'm creating.
This PBI is almost completely done, but you still can't upload a cover image.
[Web Create] As a content creator, I want to be able to add a section on the new course I'm creating.
[Web Edit] As a content creator, I want to be able to edit the sections of the courses I haven't published yet.
[Web Edit] As a content creator, I want to be able to edit the general info of the courses I haven't published yet
We have modified already existing files to show the proper pages and remove multiple errors from each page.
Fixed a lot of errors and hard crashes that inhibited multiple pages from being accessed.
In course creation.
Added button for cover image upload. (not functional)
Design made from style guide.
Translated to Portuguese.
Added categories, level, and estimated time.
In the course edit page.
You can now update the information in the course with the course update button.
You can now create sections for the course.
You can now delete the course.
In view courses page.
You can now view and access all the courses in the database.
Merged together with the new design.
In the section editing page.
You can now change the title and description of a section.
You can now delete a section.
The update section button now saves and updates the information on the section.
Pop up buttons to access the create lecture or exercise form.
[x] Code has been tested locally and passes all relevant tests.
[x] Documentation has been updated to reflect the changes, if applicable.
[x] Code follows the established coding style and guidelines of the project.
[x] All new and existing tests related to the changes have passed.
[x] Any necessary dependencies or new packages have been properly documented.
[x] Pull request title and description are clear and descriptive.
[x] Reviewers have been assigned to the pull request.
[x] Any potential security implications have been considered and addressed.
[x] Performance impact of the changes has been evaluated, if relevant.
Notes for Reviewers
The backend used for this pull requist is "VirtualTurtor-Merge".
This code needs access to mongoDB to function.
Linting gives a lot of errors, we fixed a lot of the existing errors linting gave, but the rest are non trivial errors that don't inhibit the code and are therefore not a priority right now.
This pull request contains these completed PBI's:
We have modified already existing files to show the proper pages and remove multiple errors from each page.
Fixed a lot of errors and hard crashes that inhibited multiple pages from being accessed.
In course creation.
In the course edit page.
In view courses page.
In the section editing page.
Notes for Reviewers
The backend used for this pull requist is "VirtualTurtor-Merge". This code needs access to mongoDB to function.
Linting gives a lot of errors, we fixed a lot of the existing errors linting gave, but the rest are non trivial errors that don't inhibit the code and are therefore not a priority right now.