We have a script in educado-backend that we need to communicate with since it is our chatbot.
Then we needed to implement a dedicated page for the chatbot as well as the UI for the chatbot.
Dev has been merged into our branch.
The changes in the educado-backend that the frontend relies on has been merged into staging.
In /screens/eduChatbot a file has been created called EduScreen, which is the UI for the chatbot page in the app.
A post request function has been put into the api folder in the file api.js, which is the function that communicates with the script in the backend that is our chatbot (meaning that the script receives messages and sends back responses).
If mobile/frontend pull request, what version of the backend is it stable, and running on?
Just run a stable version of the backend.
Notes for Reviewers
The Openai Key for the backend that enables the chatbot to answer will not be provided since it costs money to chat.
So the reviewer will just have to run the educado-mobile with a working version of backend and review the changes made in the Edu page.
Description We have a script in educado-backend that we need to communicate with since it is our chatbot. Then we needed to implement a dedicated page for the chatbot as well as the UI for the chatbot.
Dev has been merged into our branch. The changes in the educado-backend that the frontend relies on has been merged into staging.
Changes In /screens/eduChatbot a file has been created called EduScreen, which is the UI for the chatbot page in the app. A post request function has been put into the api folder in the file api.js, which is the function that communicates with the script in the backend that is our chatbot (meaning that the script receives messages and sends back responses).
If mobile/frontend pull request, what version of the backend is it stable, and running on? Just run a stable version of the backend.
Notes for Reviewers The Openai Key for the backend that enables the chatbot to answer will not be provided since it costs money to chat. So the reviewer will just have to run the educado-mobile with a working version of backend and review the changes made in the Edu page.