Frontend part of Speech to text && Text to speech && Speech to speech
The purpose of this PBI is to allow users to communicate with the chatbot using their microphone as if it was whatsapp. When a user sends a voice recording the chat bot will respond with a text which also has a play button to play the TTS.
Outline the specific changes made in this pull request. This could include code changes, new features, bug fixes, documentation updates, etc.
Related Issues
Changes in api.js: added new features to support the changes in TTS backend
Features added to components/Ai
Features added to screens/eduChatbot
[x] Code has been tested locally and passes all relevant tests.
[x] Documentation has been updated to reflect the changes, if applicable.
[x] Code follows the established coding style and guidelines of the project.
[x] All new and existing tests related to the changes have passed.
[x] Any necessary dependencies or new packages have been properly documented.
[x] Pull request title and description are clear and descriptive.
[x] Reviewers have been assigned to the pull request.
[x] Any potential security implications have been considered and addressed.
[x] Performance impact of the changes has been evaluated, if relevant.
[x] Changes have been approved by Product Owner
[x] Code has been analyzed with CodeScene
[x] I have reviewed the pull request myself
Screenshots (if applicable)
If mobile/frontend pull request, what version of the backend is it stable, and running on?
stable with TTS backend
Branch: TT
Commit id: cc18976
Notes for Reviewers
Used libraries:
expo-file-system, expo-av, react-native-markdown-display, multer, express-rate-limit, base64, io
Frontend part of Speech to text && Text to speech && Speech to speech
The purpose of this PBI is to allow users to communicate with the chatbot using their microphone as if it was whatsapp. When a user sends a voice recording the chat bot will respond with a text which also has a play button to play the TTS.
Outline the specific changes made in this pull request. This could include code changes, new features, bug fixes, documentation updates, etc.
Related Issues
Changes in api.js: added new features to support the changes in TTS backend
Features added to components/Ai
Features added to screens/eduChatbot
Screenshots (if applicable)
If mobile/frontend pull request, what version of the backend is it stable, and running on?
stable with TTS backend
Branch: TT Commit id: cc18976
Notes for Reviewers
Used libraries: expo-file-system, expo-av, react-native-markdown-display, multer, express-rate-limit, base64, io