Educating-Autistic-Software-Engineers / Collaboration-Station

Hosted Code for Collaboration Station, a summer camp designed for autistic high schoolers to learn programming! The interface is a fork of ScratchBlocks
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Review & Confirmation Checklist #1 #1

Open domini4 opened 3 weeks ago

domini4 commented 3 weeks ago
  1. Video Functionality
  1. Chat Features
  1. User Management
  1. Project Management
  1. Collaboration Tools

Additional Notes

paigerodeghero commented 1 week ago
  1. Video Functionality
  • [ ] Ensure the background in videos is blurry.
  • [ ] Enable the ability to turn videos and messaged on and off. Screen space will be taken up by scratch GUI
  • [x] Allow users to mute just their video (i.e., they aren't seeing themselves on the screen).
  • [x] Ensure there is an audio option (allow for audio to be on and not video or the reverse).
  • [x] videos should be right corner right side
  • [ ] Videos should appear in a 2 column grid.
  1. Chat Features
  • [x] Enable chat functionality for users.
  • [x] Allow users to hide the chat.
  • [x] Chat window should disappear when users hide chat.
  • [ ] Chat should be white background with black text for accessibility.
  1. User Management
  • [x] Allow instructors or leaders to kick out participants.
  • [x] Enable instructors to interact with students within the project environment.
  • [x] Ensure instructors have the same capabilities as students in the project.
  • [x] Allow admin to add or remove projects to users.
  1. Project Management
  • [x] Provide an option to pick an existing project or start a new project from the login screen after signing in.
  • [x] Implement an easy-to-remember way of signing in.
  • [x] Allow users to be able to switch back and fourth between CollaborationStation coding page & projects page.
  • [ ] Admin should be able to allow agora and ably access for select projects. Agora and ably not available by default.
  1. Collaboration Tools
  • [x] Enable users to work and program with others collaboratively.
  • [ ] Allow users to use the drawing features in Scratch collaboratively with others.

Additional Notes

  • [ ] update README
  • [x] make sure that the EdASE logo redirects to
  • [x] top header (CollaborationStation is removed for space.
  • [ ] Ensure all features are user-friendly and intuitive.
  • [ ] Test all functionalities thoroughly to ensure smooth operation.
  • [ ] Provide clear documentation and tutorials for users and instructors.
  • [ ] Update the repo
  • [x] connect with the "real" domain
paigerodeghero commented 1 week ago

let's ignore the additional note about centering. I removed it in the comment above