EducationalTestingService / Confero

Eye-tracking, Screen and Event Capturing System for Windows. A web application running on a separate PC allows for real time monitoring of the users actions.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Complete eye tracker info table in webapp #31

Closed isolver closed 10 years ago

isolver commented 10 years ago

Some data about the eye tracker is being provided to the web app, but it is not complete. Need to:

For both average and individual eye data, add:

garyfeng commented 10 years ago

love the ideas. Re noise level, would this be a within-fixation measure?

isolver commented 10 years ago

for noise, was thinking of just using a moving window and calculating RMS or stdev for it.

When parser is done, if it is available online (I want it to be), then we could only use periods of 'fixation' for the calc I guess.

garyfeng commented 10 years ago

Sounds good. Something is better than nothing to begin with.

isolver commented 10 years ago

The checked items are now done as a first pass for input; no thresholding to cause 'alert' and 'warning' color changes yet .

I'm not sure, given the intended app usage, what level of detail in terms of eye data should be displayed. Take a look when you can. I'm wondering if less is more in this case, and therefore if some of the current info should be removed.