EducationalTestingService / Confero

Eye-tracking, Screen and Event Capturing System for Windows. A web application running on a separate PC allows for real time monitoring of the users actions.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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SSSR eye-tracking workshop in July #33

Closed garyfeng closed 10 years ago

garyfeng commented 10 years ago

Sol - I will be giving a one-day workshop at the Society for Scientific Study of Reading, around July 15. My goal is to use and promote ioHub/UserMonitor. I haven't decided which eye-trackers to bring -- possibly a Tobii X2 and an Eyelink1000.

I'd like to know if you'd be interested in collaborate in any way ... anywhere from giving advice to co-presenting if you like. The target audience is supposed to be beginning researchers/postdoc, but sometimes you get mid-career folks who have done some eye-tracking. I just did a similar workshop yesterday at AERA, focusing on broader educational applications. The format was lectures in the morning and group projects/discussions in the afternoon. Worked out alright.

For SSSR, I was thinking targeting two types of projects for the group projects. a). Real-world reading, e.g., reading webpages, reading on mobile devices (probably won't work unless we get a Glasses type tracker), reading TV captions, etc. b). Gaze-contingent type of studies - boundary, moving text, disappearing text, etc.

Would appreciate your thoughts.

isolver commented 10 years ago

It would be great to collaborate on this. I do have a full stop work date of Jun 30th - August 31 this year though. I have sworn to my wife that I will pack my computers up and put them away for the summer so we can really spend it together with the kids as a family.

So anything I can do in terms of discussing the workshop agenda, preparing materials and example code (runtime or analysis) I could help with, but unfortunately I will not be able to come to the workshop itself.

On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 4:58 PM, garyfeng wrote:

Sol - I will be giving a one-day workshop at the Society for Scientific Study of Reading, around July 15. My goal is to use and promote ioHub/UserMonitor. I haven't decided which eye-trackers to bring -- possibly a Tobii X2 and an Eyelink1000.

I'd like to know if you'd be interested in collaborate in any way ... anywhere from giving advice to co-presenting if you like. The target audience is supposed to be beginning researchers/postdoc, but sometimes you get mid-career folks who have done some eye-tracking. I just did a similar workshop yesterday at AERA, focusing on broader educational applications. The format was lectures in the morning and group projects/discussions in the afternoon. Worked out alright.

For SSSR, I was thinking targeting two types of projects for the group projects. a). Real-world reading, e.g., reading webpages, reading on mobile devices (probably won't work unless we get a Glasses type tracker), reading TV captions, etc. b). Gaze-contingent type of studies - boundary, moving text, disappearing text, etc.

Would appreciate your thoughts.

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garyfeng commented 10 years ago

Thanks! Not this year, but I hope I will do that sometime -- part with my work and computers for an extended period of time.