EducationalTestingService / Confero

Eye-tracking, Screen and Event Capturing System for Windows. A web application running on a separate PC allows for real time monitoring of the users actions.
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Generate SSA files automatically after recording #80

Closed garyfeng closed 10 years ago

garyfeng commented 10 years ago

I need to reuse the old script to generate SSA files from the HDF5 files. This should be done right after the session, preferably automatically.

garyfeng commented 10 years ago

copied and tested 2 old python scripts:

C:\Confero\ConferoTrack\lib\data_processing>python hdf5_to_eye_log_commandline.p y -s Zaption C:\Confero\ConferoTrack\Results\Default_Experiment\iohub_events.hdf5

C:\Confero\ConferoTrack\lib\data_processing>python Zaption_ey e.log >Zaption_eye.ssa

The only thing missing is the time offset between the video and gaze data, which we can use the example in

I will write a script to put all these together.

garyfeng commented 10 years ago

will email Sol the SSA script, so that he can integrate the function in the appropriate post-processing script.

isolver commented 10 years ago

Does VLC use some time offset to the times given in the SSA file when presenting the SSA graphics? It seems like I have to add 1 second to the corrected times to get them to match ( testing by using mouse pos for SSA graph pos instead of eye).

isolver commented 10 years ago

The only issue I see is the offset that I mentioned. It must be coming from the VLC end of things. I have added a parameter to the script that can be used to apply an offset . It is set to 1.0 right now, which is what the offset added by VLC seems to be regardless of the video file I try (I have only tried 6 or 7 ).

garyfeng commented 10 years ago

Not that I am aware of. We may have added a some delay in our processing script, because in the old software setup we waited 1 sec between video recording and eye-tracking, I think. So if you are using the old script, there may be a constant or parameter somewhere.

On the other hand, the VLC gaze overlay doesn't need to be very accurate. I am happy if it's within a second or less.

isolver commented 10 years ago

I'm not using the old script other than the part that had the file format in it. Anyhow, with the offset fixup it looks very accuracy to me. ;)

So the script to create a SSA file is in the ConferoTrack/lib/data_processing folder.

It is called . You have to be in that script folder when running it, so I added a .bat file at the root Confero folder called Confero Data Processing.bat.

If you run that, it opens a cmd prompt in the data processing folder. You can then type:

python.exe [experiment_folder_name] [session_folder_name]

and it will convert each video in the session folder and make a .ssa file with the same name in that session folder.

There are 2 variables in the script itself that you may want to adjust when testing:

//The offset (in seconds) to apply to all event times so that they align with VLC playback using the SSA files created. VLC_OFFSET_CORRECTION=1.0

// If True, use mouse position, not gaze position, when creating SSA file. PLOT_MOUSE = True

garyfeng commented 10 years ago

sounds great.

garyfeng commented 10 years ago

Quick question - how is missing gaze data dealt in SSA? It seems from the playback that the eye would jump back to the screen center every so often. I suspect these are missing data. This can be confusing to the viewer.

There are two options we've used to deal with missing data in SSA:

1). Don't output anything for the frame. In this case the marquee will disappear. If the eye goes in and out a lot, this will create a lot of flickering.

2). Keep the last known gaze location for X seconds, where often X =1 second or so.

This helps to deal with brief missing data, blinks, etc.

Would you please look into this? Thanks!

isolver commented 10 years ago

Implemented option 1), makes most sense IMO.